Games That Didn't Live Up To The Hype

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Sarge Christi

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I just figured today we'd have a little discussion on games, mainly the ones that you thought didn't live up to their hype.

I'll start.. By the way. NO FLAMING. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just give a reason why you thought the game didn't live up to the hype, don't just say "Oh it sucked".

Gears of War 2

In my opinion, this game did not live up to the hype. The basic reason is because of the confusing story, like what the heck are sires and why did we have to even go to the military lab?
Also another aspect that KILLED me was the multiplayer. It's so glitchy and awful.
I came into the game with a positive outlook and was saddened by the broken multiplayer and crappy gameplay.
I won't go over ALL the multiplayer aspect to keep this thread short, but my mine few gripes were about, smoke grenade blast radius, LAGGGGGGGGG, inconsistant shotgun and finding multiplayer matches.

Don't shoot me.
Halo 3

This game also did not live up to the hype?...
I know, this is an armor making site and I do love Halo, I've bought all the games and read the books, BUT... Halo 3 didn't do it for me.
Here's why...
Please tell me why did they decide that Cortana should become even more annoying and have those stupid little "Let's slow down the gameplay" cutscenes? I hated that.
Also, I think the story wasn't that planned out, like why could Cortana talk to the flood? Also, why would they help us, then IMMEDIATELY come after us? The story was so poorly written out in my opinion and obviously I have some problems with story.
Also, I have a problem in multiplayer... mainly LAGGG

That's probably two of my biggest dissapointments.
For me:
CoD: WaW

I thought the game would be just as awesome as CoD 4, but I think it wasn't
Campaign wasn't bad, I actually liked it.
Nazi Zombies is fun.
Multiplayer isn't good.
What is with the aperture sight?
Its hard to snipe.
Fable 2
The entire co-op mess kinda ruined the game for me, and seeing as that was a big part of the release hype, it was more than just dissapointing. The entire game rocked through the co-op, but the co-op was broken at best for me.
:eek: Holy Crap! Long time no see and welcome back!

I'd say...

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I know you want to say..."Movie based games never do well." Even though this one had an excellent story, the fights got too repetitive as well as the mini-puzzles. It needed way more enemies than it had to make it more of a challenge and more fun. It was also a bit glitchy with graphics. The final fight was cheesy, too easy, and way over done which is sort of like burning a grilled cheese sandwhich...darn it now I'm hungry.

Welcome back Christi!
Sarge Christi said:
Halo 3
Please tell me why did they decide that Cortana should become even more annoying and have those stupid little "Let's slow down the gameplay" cutscenes? I hated that.
Also, I think the story wasn't that planned out, like why could Cortana talk to the flood? Also, why would they help us, then IMMEDIATELY come after us? The story was so poorly written out in my opinion and obviously I have some problems with story.
Also, I have a problem in multiplayer... mainly LAGGG
That's probably two of my biggest dissapointments.

You are certainly welcome to your opinion and disappointment but I thought that maybe I could respond to some of this.

As far as the "Cortana Cutscenes" - I liked them. It added to the dramatic tension and served to illustrate how far she had degenerated as well as how closely she was linked with the Chief. They needed that connection to set up his "belief" and later rescue attempt.

Cortana could talk to the Flood because she was programmed with the most advanced translation, communication, and codebreaking software available. She had also spent a LOT of time interfacing directly with Forerunner technologies and AI systems. Who imprisoned the Flood in the first place? The Forerunners... and I am fairly sure that there must have been information on them stored in their "prison" (Halo).

Lag doesn't seem to be a major recurring problem for most people that I have run into - that may be more a function of Internet service and hardware settings.

No flames - just healthy discussion. That's how you feel and that's just the way it is... ;)

My disappointment was "Mass Effect" but I don't think it's necessarily the game. If I wanted a slow and plodding "choose your own adventure game" I would raid my nearest elementary school library. I received it as a gift and she only got it for me based on the "hype" ... bleah...
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Same with me: Halo 3

Remember how Bungie promised Epic Battles the size of the Believe Monument, Kinda dissapointed there.

Long time no see, whatever happened to your elite armor.
Halo 2 was a major disappointment to me. I was expecting a ton of epic Earth battles, weren't there only like, 2? There were other things that irked me, but I honestly don't remember, as I only played through its campaign once and was disgusted. I guess I should go try to play it again.
Lemme just say though.. Tartarus boss battle? Yeah, screeeew that. Lamest thing ever. The Lightbulb put up more a fight in Halo 3 than Tartar-Sauce.

Spore was, unfortunately, another game that didn't live up to the hype. I think we can all agree there. I still quite enjoy the game for what it is, but what we were promised was going to be sooo much better than what we ended up with. Cell stage.. okay, whatever. Getting out on land, I'd play that level for HOURS. That's what the whole game should've been like. After that, I can go through Tribal/Civilization, together, in about half an hour. What is this nonsense.. ? Then Space stage is suddenly like, HEY LOOK, YOU DON'T WORSHIP SPODE, I'M-A BLAST YEW.

Yeah. There's prolly more, but now I'm going to go make some new Spore creatures. Haha.
No way Halo 3 lived up to the hype. Story sucked.

Halo 1 was great. Halo 2 was basically a remake of Halo 1, Halo 3 was basically a remake of Halo 1... none lived up to the first.
Drakku said:
Halo 2 was a major disappointment to me. I was expecting a ton of epic Earth battles, weren't there only like, 2? There were other things that irked me, but I honestly don't remember, as I only played through its campaign once and was disgusted. I guess I should go try to play it again.
Lemme just say though.. Tartarus boss battle? Yeah, screeeew that. Lamest thing ever. The Lightbulb put up more a fight in Halo 3 than Tartar-Sauce.

Spore was, unfortunately, another game that didn't live up to the hype. I think we can all agree there. I still quite enjoy the game for what it is, but what we were promised was going to be sooo much better than what we ended up with. Cell stage.. okay, whatever. Getting out on land, I'd play that level for HOURS. That's what the whole game should've been like. After that, I can go through Tribal/Civilization, together, in about half an hour. What is this nonsense.. ? Then Space stage is suddenly like, HEY LOOK, YOU DON'T WORSHIP SPODE, I'M-A BLAST YEW.

Yeah. There's prolly more, but now I'm going to go make some new Spore creatures. Haha.

well they are working on fixing that, google Spore: Galactic Adventures

for me one of the biggest let downs was Oblivion. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind was great, it had a great variety of armor/weapons and all that, but in Oblivion they took almost 60% of the stuff out.

I hope they do a better job with TESV

another big let down for me was The Force Unleashed, they were supposed to use the same physics engine as GTA IV, but they changed and used a cheaper version. Ripping trees from the ground, pulling stuff out of the sky, and more was also promised, but they didn't even do any of that.
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halo 3
for me the game play was kind of eratic (probably didn't help i was playing co-op)
the cortana scenes were anoying for me and the whole flood-high charity was a pain

Fallout 3
mainly because it was waay to short in the actualy story

personanlly halo 1 is a suit load of win
although i did like the dual wield of number 2 but the shotgun sucked

there are more but i can't think of them at the moment
Left 4 Dead.

I was really excited about this, and then I played it and was kinda just meh about it. I honestly love COD5 nazi zombies, but l4d just did not do it for me. Yet countless people love it and play it? I don't get it :( It's still a fun game, just not that fun for me.
another game that let me down was guitar hero world tour, the set list sucked and you did it in the order they wanted you to, it was a major let down, but Metallica fixed all that
Halo 3
Story could have been alot better. First night me and my friends played on Legendary and pretty much walked through the entire game with no one dying. Multiplayer has been great though. I still have fun to this very day.

Left 4 Dead
A little blah for me. I was expecting something a little more exciting. Don't get me wrong I love when someone gets puked on and the flood of zombies come rushing in, but the rest of the time its pretty lame.

Need I say more. Total...I don't think I can say that word on here.
Although I LOVE Halo 3 and it's story, there weren't enough Earth Battles to go around. Although this might be a good thing since fighting on Earth, just on different locations, might be too repetitive. And you guys should stop complaining about the level "Cortana" because it's actually one of the easiest levels. I loved it.

Also, Halo Wars was sorta a let down. Great gameplay, but a little short on levels IMHO. Good thing is though: They are hinting to a sequel.

I must say that even though COD5 had an awesome campaign, and Nazi Zombies is a blast, it lacks a good multiplayer. Good thing though is that all the Achievements are found in Campaign. :)

Guitar Hero 3: LoR is the best game in the series. Don't you agree?
The games that didn't live up to the hype.

Halo 3:

Ok the only problems I had was,

1. The campaign was too short. ( Nine level, what the heck Bungie? )

2. The level Cortana. A pain even on normal. ( by pain on normal I mean annoying, by pain on heroic/legendary it was a pain. )

Call of Duty: World At War.

Campaign was pretty good.

Multiplayer was stupid. ( Should've made the weapon custimization like Call of Duty 4's. )

Co-op on Campaign was messed up. ( The way you died was the same as dying in halo 3 with the Iron Skull on.)

Nazi Zombies 1 was Awesome.

Nazi Zombies 2 was stupid:

You can talk now, the zombies can talk, the sound effects got cartoonish, like when a nuke goes off you hear a zombie say, Kaboom!!!

Zombies are 10x faster and stronger. ( Makes it harder to live. )
Prince of Persia, the game looked really good, but the game play was really bad. You do the same thing about 50 times and you beat the game. Its never a good when you pick up the game, put it on the hardest setting, and beat it without saving and dying once.
I would say Halo 3 didnt hold up to the hype just because the story line was way to short.
Halo Wars, yea it was fun but again way to short and the online play I really didnt find that entertaining.
I can't believe some people remember me *sniff*

Assassin's Creed II will hopefully live up to it's hype. I must say the first one didn't.
The graphics for the game were great and so was the whole IDEA of the game... but therein lies the problem, assassinating people can get very... repetitive.
That was one of the most repetitive games I think I've ever played. I actually got bored doing them.
The fighting, climbing and generally spawling around on the game were fun enough, sure, but this time around I'd like some more varied gameplay.

And as for Halo 3.
Lag is a problem, one person can bring down an entire room, I've got high speed Comcast and I don't generally lag myself, but if someone with a turtle speed connection comes in, it causes everyone to suffer.
Also, a gripe about the story. Cortona's part was TOO big for the story. She's intellegent AI, big whoop. They also made her too much like a person for my tests. I don't want my AI to crumple onto the ground like she's about to faint. She's a computer.. That's ALL.
Shade said:
The games that didn't live up to the hype.

Call of Duty: World At War.

Campaign was pretty good.

Multiplayer was stupid. ( Should've made the weapon custimization like Call of Duty 4's. )

Co-op on Campaign was messed up. ( The way you died was the same as dying in halo 3 with the Iron Skull on.)

Nazi Zombies 1 was Awesome.

Nazi Zombies 2 was stupid:

You can talk now, the zombies can talk, the sound effects got cartoonish, like when a nuke goes off you hear a zombie say, Kaboom!!!

Zombies are 10x faster and stronger. ( Makes it harder to live. )

I liked COD WaW much more than 4 mostly because of the weapons. They actually let you OVER CUSTOMIZE the weapons compared to the real ones of that period. Unlike modern, semi-modular weapons with rail systems and all that good stuff the WW2-era weapons had one or two varients and that's it. BTW- Aperture sight was a total cop-out :cautious:

Zombies 2 is great!, mostly because it is harder and gives you more options. The perks and additional weapons are awesome. If you're smart, you should be able to get to round 40 easy with 2 people, one raygun, and no glitching just because of all the options open to you.

And that's the announcer voice that talks about powerups, not a zombie. Personally I thought a lot of the marine sayings were funny because they were pretty close to what me and my friends would say in the old zombies games anyway.

Then again I don't remember much hype around the COD WaW release so my expectations were pretty low and I was pleasantly surprised.

Best thing about multiplayer is the bigger maps than 4. It was complete BS that 90% of the time I was engaging people at <10 yards in 4. A regular shotgun should have been the most powerful weapon in the game. :rolleyes
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i cant believe what i am hearing... Obi Wan was right.

ok ok... really people? i have lost faith in the 405th.... far to many of you have a problem with halo 3, i thought you all were a bunch of fanboys?

i loved halo 3's story, multiplayer, forge, theater, case?

this is probably because i loved halo CE, hated Halo 2, and didnt really expect much from halo 3
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