General Drawing Thread

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informer and garzak you guys have amazing talent! i wish i had talent like that.

here's some of my latest work

click to enlarge




heres something i did about 30 mins ago


hope you like

edit and Jacuzzi

I'm incredibly lazy...


Hand drawn,HB mechanical pencil, slight colour edit on pc.


Human skull, 10-15mins in Photoshop.


just some of the paint jobs i've done on my airsoft guns




just some of my army of two concept drawings, sorry i do more poetry than pencil work
i need a LOT more practice, clock is ticking for me to get good and go into video game arts

my best

i cant draw head, hand or feet very good.

Game hammer concept (paper/pencil)


Concept for SPACE COMBAT Fighter Pilot (failed design, no EVA) (pencil/paper


Just a girl (pencil/paper)


My Emblem,Drawn the wolf and cleaned with the pen tool and done up with photo shop (wacom)


Flood infection form (paper/pencil/wacom)


Tiberius the war dragon (wacom)

Drakku said:
... :< Some of these here images be HUGE.

Seriously. This thread is killing my connection

If you have a massive image to post can we get it as a thumbnail or a url? Just so it doesn't bog down the entire thread.
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llinformerll said:
Thanks, I have some vids on Youtube of other Marvel drawings. And I really like your style of drawing, it reminds me of Castel Crashers.

haha thanks man, i loved that game, got obsessed with it for like a month but haven't played since.

i would give up anything to have your talent though, drawing poses and proportions are what kill me. plus i can't draw with any consistency unless i get lucky but i guess i can't complain.

i'd love to see more of your work though.


yeah i agree with you man, i know photobucket has a built in thumbnail thing but i'm not sure about other sites. just thought i'd let people know about that in case they care.

keep these coming everyone, this thread is incredibly inspiring to me, not sure if other people agree but it is to me. i love seeing other peoples work!


oh and i was wondering if this thread could possibly get stickied, this seems like a good central place to show off art skills and there's no other place like that on the forums yet. mods?
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paradoxdj said:
haha thanks man, i loved that game, got obsessed with it for like a month but haven't played since.

i would give up anything to have your talent though, drawing poses and proportions are what kill me. plus i can't draw with any consistency unless i get lucky but i guess i can't complain.

i'd love to see more of your work though.

Thanks, and I love that game. I finally bought it this week. Right now Im tryin to get the drawing colored in photoshop butit keeps bugging out. My damn sister got limewire and is slowing the cpu down. As we speak I am getting fustrated that not all he letters are typing, thus making me go back and correct them. I should stop typing now.

P.S. Sorry for the late post, I've been pretty busy with school.
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I'm trying upload pics but i keep getting this message "Used 3.49MB of your 4.88MB global upload quota (Max. single file size: 1.4MB)" Could anyone tell me what to do about this, please?
Imnotahero said:
I'm trying upload pics but i keep getting this message "Used 3.49MB of your 4.88MB global upload quota (Max. single file size: 1.4MB)" Could anyone tell me what to do about this, please?

Yea, you only have that allotted amount of space. 4.88mg

You need to post to an image hosting site(photobucket or something of the like.).

Copy the link of that image.

click the insert imagee button on the editor bar, and paste the image link.

Should post your image.
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the whirls at the top corners and hanging moss are brushes. The rest was drawn.composed by me :)

same kind of school task:


only the spatter is a brush. The rest was all drawwed and composed by me again.
Drawing and painting are things which I enjoy but I am not particularly good at. My work often has a 'messy' look, as I am not very good at going for the details, just giving an impression. Here's something I did for school:

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