Halo 3: Odst - Pepakura Armor

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Harding29 said:
has any one pepped the sniper goggles,ive looked through this thread cuz i thought someone posted pics but coulndt find it,im just wondering how u scaled them to fix ur helm

and nightshade do u need any ref pics for the sniper plate for the shoulder,ill try to get some good ones

Not yet, but what's the ideal scale size for the forearms?

Also guys, tonight at 6:30 eastern time on G4, is the Halo 3: ODST special.
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kiba963 said:
Not yet, but what's the ideal scale size for the forearms?

Also guys, tonight at 6:30 eastern time on G4, is the Halo 3: ODST special.

i was wondering the same thing this is the first one i made and i scaled it to about 15in in length,i think its too big






this is a xbox game disc about in the middle of the build
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kiba963 said:
Not yet, but what's the ideal scale size for the forearms?

Also guys, tonight at 6:30 eastern time on G4, is the Halo 3: ODST special.

I believe it was said earlier on but scale it to the length of your forearm and it should be the right size

it looks to big on you but with your bdus on it should be fine

if not just pad it with foam to fit right on you
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What wallace said. Mine came out looking huge but it's nothing that you can't fix, once it's done just fill it with foam so it doesn't slip around and will fit around your forearm. Though, my ODST shoulder armor came out extremely tiny on me.
shell bullet 5 said:
Wow, that is gunna look awesome when it's finished. Can't wait to see the finished product!

What the heck?! This post is identical to your last seven posts. Are you trying to pad your post count?
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Ral Partha said:
What the heck?! This post is identical to your last seven posts. Are you trying to pad your post count?

i was just about to say that ive seen the same exact post on multiple threads and on this one it really doesnt make sense
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Where are the regular shoulders? I made the two and one of them was scaled too small, but when I came to download it again (it was accidentally deleted) and I can't find it now. It's not in the big pack thing for the upper body plates, and wherever I look I either can't find it and when I do, it's not the original. Where is it?
jjb479 said:
Where are the regular shoulders? I made the two and one of them was scaled too small, but when I came to download it again (it was accidentally deleted) and I can't find it now. It's not in the big pack thing for the upper body plates, and wherever I look I either can't find it and when I do, it's not the original. Where is it?


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Ok guys, I know I've been slacking off on modeling lately, lol, so I decided to do a few updates on the earlier models now that more references on the armor are available. I know that updating models is a pain in the butt for unfolders, but it's all in the name of accuracy, right? Anyway, I noticed that a lot of recent ODST builds still use the WETA chestplate(s), which is fine, and I thought that maybe it's because mine is a little too Halo 3 accurate and less Halo 3: ODST accurate, so I took a render posted by MrOreo on like page 5 of the thread and tweaked it a bit:

Modeling 1:


Modeling 2:




And finally, the new one (on top) compared to the old one (on bottom):



I then editted the center equiptment plate. It didn't really need much. I just scaled it to be a bit wider, etc. Just tiny little things. I don't know if it's work re-unfolding, but at least it would make it a little more accurate in proportion:

Comparison of the new model (left, on the picture) with the old (right):


In Pepakura:



Finally, I almost completely redid the belt plate, and it looks a lot more like 1ManBatallion's version now. The area was a little fuzzy in Bungie's render, so it might be a little unacurate. I hope not. I have no idea how the original model was so completely-un-game-accurate. Anyway, here it is:




Before I post the download link, please tell me which of these are worth a new unfold :D

Hope you like these,


EDIT: Also, I added the *newer* crotch plate unfold by Harding to the chest/arm armor .zip file, and added a new screenshot for it ...
Personally, I'd love to see the main chest plate re-unfolded, I like this version a lot more than the previous ones. Thanks for these!
If it's game-accurate, I guess it's okay. Go with the newer ones. Just don't be swayed by those who bring up the live-action version comparison.
Hey Ral! Glad to see you posting here!

Just don't be swayed by those who bring up the live-action version comparison.

Sorry, but I'm wondering what you mean by that. Hehe, I'm stupid, sorry.

I'd also love to see a new chestplate unfold, but especially the belt plate unfold. The old one on the first post just looks to ridiculously innacurate now and I'm embarrased to keep it there. I'd love to replace the link soon, lol.
Nightshade said:
Hey Ral! Glad to see you posting here!

I haven't had much to add of late, really. :unsure

Nightshade said:
Sorry, but I'm wondering what you mean by that. Hehe, I'm stupid, sorry.

Ever since the release of the LA trailer, a few have added comments in this thread that a few features on the ODST should be this and that. We should be stick to something close to the game. Besides, there's another thread that does something close to the trailer.
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Hey here are just a couple things i noticed about the chest plate.

Its nothing major it just bugs me.

I think the "wings" need to be a bit longer, the indent on the bottom edge of the "wing" is missing, the black bar on the inside of the "wing" is slightly to long, and the top should be a little straighter.


to many quotation marks? lol
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