Halo 3: Odst - Pepakura Armor

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Harding29 said:
I hate school.Its been a week and all i got done was one ODST knee piece,just pepped

I hear you out loud and clear brother,I only have like 2 pages pepped of 16 all week.SCHOOL IS HOLDING US BACK.I hate it.
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IroniumCostuming said:
not to sound stupid, but im not sure if i should scale the crackhead odst guantlets any smaller

what ever u do dont scale them any bigger becuase they will be huge,it happened to me
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IroniumCostuming said:
not to sound stupid, but im not sure if i should scale the crackhead odst guantlets any smaller

If you have built a Mk VI forearm before, scale it to the same length. When I first built the ODST forearm, it looked huge but that's while wearing it on my bare arm. When I wore it with my BDU, it looked just about right.
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I've been working double time on this helmet, and it's pepakura form is almost done! See you guys on the ste on Sunday. LATER!
Hey guys, I realize that I haven't done much modeling for the 405th lately, so I did a little update on Romeo's sniper plates, and I hope it's a little closer to the game armor and not the concept art I based the first version off of. It might need a bit more work, but it's a start. Note: I based the new model solely off of this image, which didn't give me much to work with in the first place. Oh well, I did my best:



In Pepakura:


And here's the link to the .obj file so you can view it in Pep, and, if everything's ok, someone might just unfold it. I need the "Stamp of Approval" first, though. Also, the piece needs to be scaled up a bit more than the default scale of the last version.

Nightshade said:
Hey guys, I realize that I haven't done much modeling for the 405th lately, so I did a little update on Romeo's sniper plates, and I hope it's a little closer to the game armor and not the concept art I based the first version off of. It might need a bit more work, but it's a start. Note: I based the new model solely off of this image, which didn't give me much to work with in the first place. Oh well, I did my best:

And here's the link to the .obj file so you can view it in Pep, and, if everything's ok, someone might just unfold it. I need the "Stamp of Approval" first, though. Also, the piece needs to be scaled up a bit more than the default scale of the last version.


only thing i think should be different is that the thin side pieces should be thicker and u know ill jump on in and unfold it
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warhound said:
What modeling program do you use? I've been trying to find a good one for ages.

if you mean what proggram to use to make/view models you use pepakura viewer or the on you have to pay for to make models for got what its called. but on a more important matter you jacked my sig with minor modification to it :cry:
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That's cool. The reason why I did the WETA one is because it that one's folds looked odd to me. Plus this one's an awesome fit.

I have one question though. Is there a stickie somewhere on how to make a visor for the helmets?
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