Hidden Blade

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Ironcobra3000 said:
I would like to know how to do a wrist blade, such as the one predator uses.

theres a few ways.

1. find pics of the predator blades online, or from the movies and make sketches from them.
2. make your own predator blade sketches (what iam doing) so it adds your own creativity to the mix.
3. buy some off ebay for an ungodly price.
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hi guys (off topic: this is my first post in 3months huray!) any who so i wanted o let you know how i made mine. i used my little bros spring loded light saber. i opend it up and took out the spring loader from the base and the blade. then i made a retangular casing of sheet metal as a box to hold every thing. then i inserted the spring loader at the bottem. i then made a 6" section of a blade i made sure it was hollow so that the main blade can shoot out through that section and extend further. i rigged the catch at the spring loader to a small peice of modeling wire and that piece of wire to a ring so that when i extend my hand upward the wire trigers the catch ejecting the blade. this same action lowers the blade back into the box and with a slight push on the tip of the blade it then locks again. ill post pics and vids when i can but for now an explination of what i hve should do so.
BTW the ring finger missing is an initation to the assains. And my design consists of:
1 slide
1 long gear tract straight
1 plastic point Used as locking mechanism
2 feet of strings
1 block to attach knife to tract
2 rings
1 spring that pulls backward

Connect the gear tract to the block and attach knife
Connect a string to the ring and wear on middle finger then connect the string to the backmost part of the blade assembly
Connect the spring next to the blade assembly and slide onto slide assembly then connect spring to the back of slide assembly
Connect the plastic point that can be pushed down and then sprung upward to the front of the blade device This will act as a lock but at the same time allow the blade to slide outward Put it at a slant like this / so it can be pushed down whilst the blade is sliding out but then not allow it to go inward
Connect a string to the pinky ring and to the front of the gear locking plastic piece
**Sizing may differ from person to person**
Now to open use the strengh of the middle finger to pull blade out against the spring once it is far enough let go and the locking system will take place
When you open blade hold the pinky finger down so the lock will engage. It will be difficult at first for the mauver but you will get the hang of it. Now you can do your bidding and assaininate your foe then simply pull back your pinky to disengage the locking mechanism and then the piece will be pulled back in place then let go of your pinky so it doesnt accidentaly slide out.
Open hand hard without pinnky
Close hand if you will the lcook will hold it in place as well as the tension from the spring
Pull back on pinky which will pull the lock down and the lock will become undone then the spring will pull the bade back.
Cover it up with a nice leather period glove and your good
Wow turkey I might want to use your way but I really have no idea half of the supplies you just said, pics would be nice :D
BTW How big is the slide? (Both Width and Length)
I was thinking of making an Assassin costume (I beat AC over the weekend it came out). But now I'm thinking of modding my left forearm peice of my spartan armour to have the hidden blade. I will have two left forearms, one with the blade one without. I am going to do a little experimenting of my own on the hidden blade.
Im going to be hitting up home depot and some hardware stores tomorrow. Ill post when I have something to show.
Everyone making these try to put together a tut. Once you get it started, make a thread for Assassin's Creed costuming in the general section, so we all have a place to post. I'm having my girlfriend make me the robes, but I feel she'll procrastinate it a lot.
for the robes, you may want to use some thicker material, and you will also want to make the stitching obvious on the shoulders, this is how you can get a "true to the game" look, rather then the cheap, plastic, shiny look you get when it's made like the mass production holloween costumes, you know, when it's made from some cheap cloth.

Also, to make the costume complete, here is a mini-tut on how to fully utilise the hidden-blade.

step 1:

take a dull knife, make sure it's dull as this next part is important.

step 2:

saw off your ring finger at the base, be sure all the blood sprays everywhere.

step 3:

put a bandaid, then get a soddering gun

step 4:

sodder the ring part of the hidden blade mechanism to your finger, also sodder some armored metal sheets for added effect.

step 5:

if still alive after painful proceedure, be sure to call up your nearest hospital and make sure they have prosthetic fingers ready so that you can "remove" the costume.

step 6:

repeat steps 1-5 whenever you need to dress up as Altair.......assuming you get your ring finger back after each use.
You know...

I dunno if that would work...

Let me have my brother try it out...

And for the robe, there are a lot of different fabrics that could be used. Once I go to JoAnn Fabrics with my girlfriend, I'll compile a list for you guys of what fabrics would work.
Ok i have a prototype done. It opens when pulled then locks then when you push the piece it springs back into the tube. I refined the design a hell of a lot and changed it. i still have to attach the blade and correct the opening feature.

crap that would be awsome!

please keep me posted! i would love to see how it turns out, as i would love one to

i havnt played the game yet but want to sooo bad... is it available for 360?
Yes, I bought it yesterday and started playing. Ironiclly, Ill have to play it all again since Im using a friends xbox with his GT and hard drive. So he gets free GP and I get to play my game while my xbox is in the shop. Its alot of fun, looks beautiful on the 360, no hickups yet. And yeah, please post pictures!
Ronster said:
I am uber psyched aboot Assassin's Creed.
Got it Friday. Haven't really been able to play it much....but it's still awesome.

Altaïr's signiture weapon in AC is the hidden blade, which is a retractable knife hidden on his left arm that can be used for killing targets at very close quarters without creating any immediately alerts.

"Altaïr's most interesting weapon is a mechanical dagger that it used for close-range assassinations. It is mounted on the inside of his left hand gauntlet, and when deployed, extends between his middle and pinkie fingers through the space left by his amputated ring finger. This amputation was part of the initiation for becoming as assassin of the Hashshashin sect."

Well my friends, I wanna make it.
I was thinking of using springs and some mech to lock it in its retracted position until the mech is unlocked by pulling a string attached to one of my fingers, thus springing the knife forward into its extended position.


*sigh* im srry to say this but u must cut ur finger...lol jk, be cool u make it an actuall blade and shank all other people in a costume contest, u will win by the fault! muhahahah lol
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Ok guys, enough with all the amputation jokes. It's getting old.

All you have to do is where fingerless gloves and bend your left ring finger. The rest of the glove covers your finger and you wouldn't notice unless you looked pretty hard.
After a bit of googling, I found something that should be next to perfect for this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=IgWu-VmOZHo

An Out-the-front switchblade. If someone could figure out how these work, it should be easy to make that into a larger, assassin's creed blade that goes in and out :D

EDIT: I've devised a way to make a centripetal force-based knife, but it's made so that the knife doesn't fly in and out when you move around, by using a locking mechanism. I'll get pics up later.

EDIT2: Video of it in use is uploaded, just waiting for processing

EDIT3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w4rBspaW9Y
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