How do Moe’s files compare? Is there a reason a lot of people prefer to buy GA’s files over other shops?
For me the accuracy of the GA files are pretty good. They just arent made for humans to wear comfortably without ALOT of work. Moes work is great, but it is the ALOT of little things like the extra details that GA provides. But Moes work also is made for humans to wear it and has a lot of community input. I just wish the GA guys would allow for ANY input.
I think there's a distinction between older and newer files from GA that all boils down to the artist(s) they might have been using in the past.
This is pure conjecture on my part based solely on looking at their older and new items.
Their older MK-VI for example is near impossible to wear as others have said. The thighs have walls 40mm thick etc. In my own build threads I've described them as "made to make a lean body look muscular", putting it nicely. To a degree I kinda wonder if they weren't made with the primary purpose being to make the full-size statue and that selling them separated from the mannequin as "wearable" was really just a secondary income stream idea; an after thought. Again pure conjecture based only on all the other people that say "I can't wear this". Its just a theory based on results.

But now... Looking at the latest release of their new MK-IV helmet as an example... I think they've had to up their game. They're not *the* vendor anymore, they are *a* vendor. Modelers like TitlewaveDesigns and AguilarWorkshop are providing files that are cut along natural geometry lines and not just quartered with planar cuts. Aquilar's helmets are a joy to print, paint and assemble because they were **engineered** for 3d printing, parting by where you're going to paint, and designed by someone that wears them out in the world for 12 hour convention days so they aren't 4kg heavy helmets.

Through my shop ( I've been fortunate to see files from a lot of different makers. The new files from GA like their statues and newer helmets are really top notch. So when saying "The stuff from GA is hard to wear" I think its important to not be so all-inclusive. Its not all of their stuff: its the older stuff. And too be fair if you look at anyone's entry into a product line its not as good as after years of learning and innovation. Older power tools aren't as nice as the newer smart and brushless motor stuff. Older clothes washer might last 100 years but are 5x heavier than today's models. I think the same is true even in 3d modeling. Better software today than a decade ago is going to translate to better digital product.

So this doesn't become just a 'bash on GA' lets be fair
> But Moes work also is made for humans to wear it
Yes, but... I've built a few items from Moe and there's been more than one place where there have been issues. I've posts on the 405th discord in the #moddelers channel about "please don't do this:" where there's internal holes in parts that were digitally welded badly or walls so thin they only survive printing because of the nature of FDM output but are a nightmare on big resin printers that can produce those thin walls (or try to). I've also run into a few place where the files were totally game accurate and *that* was a problem because there's no mechanism in place for wearing/strapping/assembly. For example: Did the MK-IV shins for a customer. They are two-piece and come over the leg nicely. Then what? Pretty sure the wearing doesn't want to wrap duct tape around them. There's no clasps, latches, hidden fasteners.
That leads into something I've said for a while: There's "game accurate" and then there's "real world wearable" and the two aren't always compatible.
Yet that same set of GA armor that can be complained about, has two-part forearms you get on then close down the wrists.

Personally, I've had to buy 4 different armor sets to make what fit me right and that I liked. I think that's a big part of the human condition: We aren't all out of the same mold. So we shouldn't expect a single armor set to fit perfectly. The upper body from vendor A plus the legs from vendor B, arms from C are good but I like the biceps from D better.

There's also been a big influence from other franchises. If you look at Mandalorian armor that's single-walled... Ironman cosplay armor as well... influences from these concepts are starting to make it into Halo armor where people are wanting the look of "chunky/heavy" without it actually being chunky/heavy.

I wish all other vendors would put release years on their advertising. It would be good to know that an armor is from the 2010 days versus 2024. I also think it would be helpful to the community to state what body type the armors were designed for. The skinny person really does want files made for them. The body builder really needs files that aren't super thick. And so on. Just a bit more transparency about some of these things, I personally feel, would be well received by the buying audience.

Its kind of the epitome of a free market economy. Once other modelers started putting out high detail, light weight, well thought-out designs then everyone (not just GA), had to step up.
I think there's a distinction between older and newer files from GA that all boils down to the artist(s) they might have been using in the past.
This is pure conjecture on my part based solely on looking at their older and new items.
Their older MK-VI for example is near impossible to wear as others have said. The thighs have walls 40mm thick etc. In my own build threads I've described them as "made to make a lean body look muscular", putting it nicely. To a degree I kinda wonder if they weren't made with the primary purpose being to make the full-size statue and that selling them separated from the mannequin as "wearable" was really just a secondary income stream idea; an after thought. Again pure conjecture based only on all the other people that say "I can't wear this". Its just a theory based on results.

But now... Looking at the latest release of their new MK-IV helmet as an example... I think they've had to up their game. They're not *the* vendor anymore, they are *a* vendor. Modelers like TitlewaveDesigns and AguilarWorkshop are providing files that are cut along natural geometry lines and not just quartered with planar cuts. Aquilar's helmets are a joy to print, paint and assemble because they were **engineered** for 3d printing, parting by where you're going to paint, and designed by someone that wears them out in the world for 12 hour convention days so they aren't 4kg heavy helmets.

Through my shop ( I've been fortunate to see files from a lot of different makers. The new files from GA like their statues and newer helmets are really top notch. So when saying "The stuff from GA is hard to wear" I think its important to not be so all-inclusive. Its not all of their stuff: its the older stuff. And too be fair if you look at anyone's entry into a product line its not as good as after years of learning and innovation. Older power tools aren't as nice as the newer smart and brushless motor stuff. Older clothes washer might last 100 years but are 5x heavier than today's models. I think the same is true even in 3d modeling. Better software today than a decade ago is going to translate to better digital product.

So this doesn't become just a 'bash on GA' lets be fair
> But Moes work also is made for humans to wear it
Yes, but... I've built a few items from Moe and there's been more than one place where there have been issues. I've posts on the 405th discord in the #moddelers channel about "please don't do this:" where there's internal holes in parts that were digitally welded badly or walls so thin they only survive printing because of the nature of FDM output but are a nightmare on big resin printers that can produce those thin walls (or try to). I've also run into a few place where the files were totally game accurate and *that* was a problem because there's no mechanism in place for wearing/strapping/assembly. For example: Did the MK-IV shins for a customer. They are two-piece and come over the leg nicely. Then what? Pretty sure the wearing doesn't want to wrap duct tape around them. There's no clasps, latches, hidden fasteners.
That leads into something I've said for a while: There's "game accurate" and then there's "real world wearable" and the two aren't always compatible.
Yet that same set of GA armor that can be complained about, has two-part forearms you get on then close down the wrists.

Personally, I've had to buy 4 different armor sets to make what fit me right and that I liked. I think that's a big part of the human condition: We aren't all out of the same mold. So we shouldn't expect a single armor set to fit perfectly. The upper body from vendor A plus the legs from vendor B, arms from C are good but I like the biceps from D better.

There's also been a big influence from other franchises. If you look at Mandalorian armor that's single-walled... Ironman cosplay armor as well... influences from these concepts are starting to make it into Halo armor where people are wanting the look of "chunky/heavy" without it actually being chunky/heavy.

I wish all other vendors would put release years on their advertising. It would be good to know that an armor is from the 2010 days versus 2024. I also think it would be helpful to the community to state what body type the armors were designed for. The skinny person really does want files made for them. The body builder really needs files that aren't super thick. And so on. Just a bit more transparency about some of these things, I personally feel, would be well received by the buying audience.

Its kind of the epitome of a free market economy. Once other modelers started putting out high detail, light weight, well thought-out designs then everyone (not just GA), had to step up.
Very comprehensive! It’s very helpful to have the perspective of someone who does as much printing as you.
Hey all, came across this thread and thought I'd throw out some clarifying information!

A few years ago I wanted to dive into the Halo file making game. I wanted to quickly make a name for myself and thought the best way to do that would be to team up with an already established Halo designer while I still worked on Star Wars. I found CoeIndustries with a good looking set of MC armor and some weapons and we brokered a deal.

This is why the MC armor files are a bit different from my usual stuff - they were already completed and finished files and had enough 5 star reviews I believed they would work great. To be truthful they HAVE worked for many so far and have even been on stage with MeganTheeStallion! They are, however, due for a personal remastering with all that I've learned over the last few years and rebuild from the ground-up. I'm finishing up a Mk IV set of armor to go with the helmet I recently did but could start remaking the files towards the end of the month.

As to why I've resisted changes to the existing model it's mostly because the models were originally designed in Maya - which uses a proprietary file extension - a file extension incompatible with my typical software. After the deal was struck for the files Adam and I went our separate ways (purely for business reasons Adam's a cool guy) and the MC armor remains difficult for me to modify/optimize as-is. If it's a question of if I ever go back and update files for accuracy and wear - check out this last weeks file releases that featured BOTH Heavy Mando and Tech remasters. I always try to make the files as best as I can but over the course of 4 years you learn what works and what doesn't. It's just a matter of managing time spent making new things vs upgrading old things and I'm pretty happy with what we've done so far.

That said, I do believe it's time to remaster these MC files myself rather than work a deal with another designer. I should be able to start them later this month. I'd expect it to take 1-2 months.
Made the same observation on my first build thread using GA's mk-VI armor. Thighs are 40mm thick in some places.
I took a saws-all to them to cut out the interior portions so I didn't have to walk as bow legged as a 1950's movie cowboy. But of course then I had to back-fill the cut edges.

> I'll contact the guys at Galactic Armory again to ask them to fix the problem.

Good luck with that. Hopefully you get a better answer than I did. When I wrote them asking if they could re-export the forearm armor at a higher poly count because of all the faceting (causeing LOTS of extra sanding to smooth out round) the answer that came back was "no". And I mean *just* "no" and nothing else. I kinda get the impression they out-source the modeling, or did at the time those files were made, and don't have the source CAD files to do any work to. That's just a guess based one all the cross talk I see like in this thread and the replies I've gotten to fix requests.
Found some context for those reading as I doubted I would ever respond with just "no"
It is unfathomable how nice this armor is looking! Its going to be so cool seeing the more updates and stuff you add to your armor. Good luck on your upgrades dude!
Hey all, came across this thread and thought I'd throw out some clarifying information!
Thank you for clarifying all this! It seems my curiosity about why some people prefer different vendors saw spawned a whole side thread of it's own that's been quite informative to me! haha. I'm excited to see what you do with the files!

Sorry Draxes for commandeering your thread XD
Hey all, came across this thread and thought I'd throw out some clarifying information!

A few years ago I wanted to dive into the Halo file making game. I wanted to quickly make a name for myself and thought the best way to do that would be to team up with an already established Halo designer while I still worked on Star Wars. I found CoeIndustries with a good looking set of MC armor and some weapons and we brokered a deal.

This is why the MC armor files are a bit different from my usual stuff - they were already completed and finished files and had enough 5 star reviews I believed they would work great. To be truthful they HAVE worked for many so far and have even been on stage with MeganTheeStallion! They are, however, due for a personal remastering with all that I've learned over the last few years and rebuild from the ground-up. I'm finishing up a Mk IV set of armor to go with the helmet I recently did but could start remaking the files towards the end of the month.

As to why I've resisted changes to the existing model it's mostly because the models were originally designed in Maya - which uses a proprietary file extension - a file extension incompatible with my typical software. After the deal was struck for the files Adam and I went our separate ways (purely for business reasons Adam's a cool guy) and the MC armor remains difficult for me to modify/optimize as-is. If it's a question of if I ever go back and update files for accuracy and wear - check out this last weeks file releases that featured BOTH Heavy Mando and Tech remasters. I always try to make the files as best as I can but over the course of 4 years you learn what works and what doesn't. It's just a matter of managing time spent making new things vs upgrading old things and I'm pretty happy with what we've done so far.

That said, I do believe it's time to remaster these MC files myself rather than work a deal with another designer. I should be able to start them later this month. I'd expect it to take 1-2 months.
If I already purchased the GA files for the infinite chief, would any updates to the design to make them more wearable be included in them? IE would the current files be updated, or need to be repurchased?
How do Moe’s files compare? Is there a reason a lot of people prefer to buy GA’s files over other shops?
I've printed two sizes of the Moes files for Chief and they've been very easy to work with and fit great. I've had no complaints from them and they look great too.
If I already purchased the GA files for the infinite chief, would any updates to the design to make them more wearable be included in them? IE would the current files be updated, or need to be repurchased?

FYI: Arron Hughes from GA said (on Facebook), in response to this same question... That the updates are at least 2 months out but updates are always free and that would include the MK-VI.
FYI: Arron Hughes from GA said (on Facebook), in response to this same question... That the updates are at least 2 months out but updates are always free and that would include the MK-VI.
Awesome! Not in any hurry with it. But good to know that the updates will be included
Hey all, came across this thread and thought I'd throw out some clarifying information!

A few years ago I wanted to dive into the Halo file making game. I wanted to quickly make a name for myself and thought the best way to do that would be to team up with an already established Halo designer while I still worked on Star Wars. I found CoeIndustries with a good looking set of MC armor and some weapons and we brokered a deal.

This is why the MC armor files are a bit different from my usual stuff - they were already completed and finished files and had enough 5 star reviews I believed they would work great. To be truthful they HAVE worked for many so far and have even been on stage with MeganTheeStallion! They are, however, due for a personal remastering with all that I've learned over the last few years and rebuild from the ground-up. I'm finishing up a Mk IV set of armor to go with the helmet I recently did but could start remaking the files towards the end of the month.

As to why I've resisted changes to the existing model it's mostly because the models were originally designed in Maya - which uses a proprietary file extension - a file extension incompatible with my typical software. After the deal was struck for the files Adam and I went our separate ways (purely for business reasons Adam's a cool guy) and the MC armor remains difficult for me to modify/optimize as-is. If it's a question of if I ever go back and update files for accuracy and wear - check out this last weeks file releases that featured BOTH Heavy Mando and Tech remasters. I always try to make the files as best as I can but over the course of 4 years you learn what works and what doesn't. It's just a matter of managing time spent making new things vs upgrading old things and I'm pretty happy with what we've done so far.

That said, I do believe it's time to remaster these MC files myself rather than work a deal with another designer. I should be able to start them later this month. I'd expect it to take 1-2 months.
Thats awesome to hear. The work you guys do is great!
Galactic Armory Any updates?
Hey all, came across this thread and thought I'd throw out some clarifying information!

A few years ago I wanted to dive into the Halo file making game. I wanted to quickly make a name for myself and thought the best way to do that would be to team up with an already established Halo designer while I still worked on Star Wars. I found CoeIndustries with a good looking set of MC armor and some weapons and we brokered a deal.

This is why the MC armor files are a bit different from my usual stuff - they were already completed and finished files and had enough 5 star reviews I believed they would work great. To be truthful they HAVE worked for many so far and have even been on stage with MeganTheeStallion! They are, however, due for a personal remastering with all that I've learned over the last few years and rebuild from the ground-up. I'm finishing up a Mk IV set of armor to go with the helmet I recently did but could start remaking the files towards the end of the month.

As to why I've resisted changes to the existing model it's mostly because the models were originally designed in Maya - which uses a proprietary file extension - a file extension incompatible with my typical software. After the deal was struck for the files Adam and I went our separate ways (purely for business reasons Adam's a cool guy) and the MC armor remains difficult for me to modify/optimize as-is. If it's a question of if I ever go back and update files for accuracy and wear - check out this last weeks file releases that featured BOTH Heavy Mando and Tech remasters. I always try to make the files as best as I can but over the course of 4 years you learn what works and what doesn't. It's just a matter of managing time spent making new things vs upgrading old things and I'm pretty happy with what we've done so far.

That said, I do believe it's time to remaster these MC files myself rather than work a deal with another designer. I should be able to start them later this month. I'd expect it to take 1-2 months.
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