My Cortana Build

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Jr Member
Hello All! I have been a silent stalker of the 405th for a while now and I’ve finally made enough progress in my first costume that I’d like to share it with you guys (and ladies). :D

I’ve been working on this costume on and off for about 4 months. Thanks to work and school, I haven’t been able to dedicate anywhere near the amount of time I’d like to to getting it done.

My plan is to paint 3 layers for all the patterning on the suit. I’ve got layer one done except for the back of the legs and the feet.
I’ll be doing one black base layer, then 2 layers of a deep metallic blue. Following that I’ll be adding silver detailing.

I started by tracing the entire suit out onto computer paper one limb at a time. I then sketched out the designs and then began the fun fun job to transferring those designs onto the body suit. The torso wasn’t actually too bad because I was able to paint that while it was on my duct tape dummy. The rest I had to paint on myself while wearing it. I have to say, painting your own butt is a challenge.

Ironicly, the fabric my suit is made of is the exact same fabric that Cortana (member of this site) used to sew hers. When she told me that I felt both awesome and stalkerish since her costume is my favorite Cortana out there and defiantly have to say she was a big inspiration.

I’m waiting on my wig still, so forgive the hair :D I should have it in a week or so, then as soon as I’ve cut ad styled it I’ll put up more pictures!

The gloves I’m wearing are actually a pair of EMS gloves but they match all the colors perfectly so I think they’re going to be the gloves I use. Also I’m broke and they’re free.

I just got my makeup in the mail today so I had to try it out. I don’t think I did too shabby but if anybody has any pointers let me know!

Strong Cortana!

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The costume looks really good. Did you make the outfit itself or paint? I'm assuming since you said four month you probably made it but just wondering.
Hi, did you sponge on or brush on your makeup? Nice shade of blue, what brand/colour is it? Im currently planning a body paint of Cortana.

If you struggle with the ears, put some makeup on a cotton bud/cue tip and if you get ant tinting of the skin after washing it off, a little baby shampoo works wonders ;-)
I’m waiting on my wig still, so forgive the hair :D I should have it in a week or so, then as soon as I’ve cut ad styled it I’ll put up more pictures!

Breaking News! Anonymous sources claim that Cortana, the AI who was seen dating Master Chief and who crashed a twenty trillion Dollar battleship on a giant wedding ring in order to have the "greatest proposal ever, with fireworks!" does not actually have blue hair! Sources say that she is wearing a wig and her hair is, in reality, blond! Furthermore, there are rumors circulating that she may not actually be transparent and that the blue lighting may in fact be caused by post-processing and a number of special effects.
Stay tuned, we'll be back after the break with more news on Bob the cat, who is supposedly a notorious lolcatz-contributor and Cortana's sidekick.

[spaceship insurance ad]
[advertising for thatdecade's classified Cortana AI construct hardware]
[advertising for cat food]


Ok, enough fun.
Good work so far! active84u already said something about the ears, that would be the only criticisable thing I see right now ;-)

Are those blue contacts you're wearing?
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Totally awesome! The only thing I don't approve of is the NCIS DVD set you have! :p Great work!!!
Totally makes up for it with the Snoopy picture though, not to mention the super awesome costume! Very nice work! Should look great with the wig.
It already looks really good even though only the first layer of paint is on, so I'm sure it will look awesome when finished. To be honest, the effect just isn't complete without the wig! :)
It's just your basic bodysuit. You can make one out of a spandax or lycra material if you or anyone you know can sew. If not try, I've ordered from them before, they do really custom stuff.
Are those blue contacts you're wearing?[/QUOTE]

Nope, just my own eyes. I'm lucky, they match perfectly lol.
Hi, did you sponge on or brush on your makeup? Nice shade of blue, what brand/colour is it? Im currently planning a body paint of Cortana.

If you struggle with the ears, put some makeup on a cotton bud/cue tip and if you get ant tinting of the skin after washing it off, a little baby shampoo works wonders ;-)

I actually didn't have any sponges and was really excited to try out the makeup so I just used my fingers. The ear thing sounds great! I was havinbg a really hard time with them. The makeup brand is mehron, it's their Paradise cake makeup.
I actually didn't have any sponges and was really excited to try out the makeup so I just used my fingers. The ear thing sounds great! I was havinbg a really hard time with them. The makeup brand is mehron, it's their Paradise cake makeup.

Hi Bexi, try putting it on with a chunk (1.5" square) of cheap bath sponge to do the majority, the makeup will go on thinner, faster and more even. Just dip 1/4 inch into water, a quick squeeze out of the excess and load up the sponge by rubbing in a circular motion on the makeup. Too dry and it wont load or cover, too wet and it will drip and go streaky. I love the smell of Mehron Paradise, always reminds me of coconut aftersun lotion and hot holidays. What shade is it, light blue? (will say on the carton and on the container base)

If your going to want to wear this on a hot day or night (convention or party etc) I recommend you set it by spraying with Mehron Barrier Spray. Please dont use hairspray, its a bit flammable even when dry.

The gloves are a good idea unless you want to leave everything you touch blue.

If I can be of any more help makeup wise, give me a shout.

Nothing, it was a direct reply to the post above it. Smiggly said he doesn't approve of the NCIS disc set. I replied that she makes up for it with the picture of snoopy. IE: I was saying Snoopy is awesome.

Have yer facepalm back.

Sorry for cluttering up your thread, Bexi.
Very nice. Although I think you'd would make an equally impressive Liara T'Soni or even a perfect Anna Chapman. I'm interested to see how you get those long locks into a blue bob wig. Moar pics plz.

@Ventrue that was very well written. I LOLed. thanks
ZOMG UR HOTZ, WANNA DATE?!! Anyways, you look great. You should find some awesome dude with a UNSC marine costume, or help him finish making one, and then do a photoshoot. That'd be cool, just saying.
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