Pepakura Requests

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Item Name
Wing Knight (Survive mode)

Item Source
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight

Reference Images

Additional Info
I just need the helmet, but it would be awesome if it was the whole suit! :D
i really really really want someone to make files for the prototype suit form halo legends. i have reference pics and would even be willing to give a little money for them. i want to be able to wear it to the San Diego con next year. if anyone want to tackle it please email me for the reference pics.
Gondorian Helm from LOTR

Item Name

Gondor helmet

Item Source

Lord of the Rings movies

Reference Images


Additional Info

It's an easy model to do, I think, but I don't have the skills. I have a lot more references pictures, just ask me for more;

Existing File Link

No file yet!
I separated out the helmet, and removed the pieces behind the eyes and joined the jaw to the lower face piece.

Its alot of separate pieces, but they should be easy to align when building.

If anyone wants the helm v1 post and ill post it here.

Enhh. Never mind.

Ill post anyway, ive got it unfolded as well.``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````,_,

Its scaled to 280mm cause any biggere woulnt have fit on letter.``````````````````````````````````i-``-i




I'll most likely get to more pieces tomorrow, but i needs to wake up in three hours.``````:[I__l] SHOOP-DA-WOOP!!

It seems I was a little late to this post. I was happy to see someone put this helmet together, however I am afraid the link for the file is broken. Would you mind reuploading it for me? I would greatly appreciate it.
do you know where i can find files for a complete suit, including shield. My son want's one and I've searched everywhere. If you or someone else can help it wouls be great.
Do you think it would be possible to request a Tron Lightcycle? The original versions seem kinda basic, perhaps rips from the game or off the new movie coming out in december? I cant help but think a scale or even full size replica of the new cycles in their sleek black and EL wiring would be utterly stunning!
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