Reach Armor By Spartan-029

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Kool I'll see around the art building then. What courses are you taking this semester? Lol, interesting post? What could that be? haha
Kool I'll see around the art building then. What courses are you taking this semester? Lol, interesting post? What could that be? haha

oh well the basic General Math and Eng 1A and then the art stuff, 2d design and color, beginning drawing. I don't see how Intro Study Art/Design can have 200 spots?!?

And yeah, the interesting post in the Introduce Yourself discussion of 405th California Group.
Ah 2D design was fun. Took that my first semester at SJSU. (wow that was a long time ago) who do you have for beginning drawing?

lol. yeah i guessed.
I should ask if you plan on posting in this thread or somewhere else in the forum? The helmets I'm referring to are the Kat and Jorge helmets by SJSUSPARTANhttp://www.405th.member.php/2372-SJSUSPARTAN
I usually post the unfolds in both places. As for the helmets, the Jorge helmet has already been unfolded by Jason02 (though I plan on unfolding it later for personal use). I think someone else is working on the Kat helmet so I won't be doing it.
ah, gotcha. well you'll do fine. The people in the art building are pretty easy going and fun to work with. Have you heard about the Shrunken Headman Club there yet? If not I really hope you join. It's all animation/Illustration majors who are just as fun and nuts about what they do.
ah, gotcha. well you'll do fine. The people in the art building are pretty easy going and fun to work with. Have you heard about the Shrunken Headman Club there yet? If not I really hope you join. It's all animation/Illustration majors who are just as fun and nuts about what they do.

Yeah, I've seen some of their YouTube videos; sure seems like they have fun :)
well, there is a slight difference, but you call tell for yourself.

Female shin/ Kat


Where did you get the pics for that Kat shin? It looks like its a real pic, do you have any pics of the other team members like that?
It is a real pic!
Taken at SDCC 2010 :p
And there are other pics, but those are from the life sized statues at E3 (I think) but this was a REAL costume by Legacy FX (I think) for a new Halo Reach Live Action trailer :p
Yeah, and I believe there's a couple of more floating around the net. Can't seem to find them now though...
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