Registration Is Now Closed

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There was spam bots?
Didn't even see any. Glad y'all got rid of them. And this has been an effective way to stop them.
This is like the 2nd time its happened here since my stay.
good thing i made my account a year ago... and just recently started looking around on this site again :)
Hear hear, We've all done our fair share of reporting malware, spambots, etc.. glad to see this problem nipped in the bud.

Odessa-086 said:
I don't think weeding out those who haven't posted in ages or haven't posted in serious threads is a good way to go about it. Perhaps weeding out those who haven't logged in for months would be a better course of action. Just my two cents.

It was done before and the way accounts were choosen were by 0 post count and only one login(usually the day they joined).

As long as they post, no existing members get booted for inactivity without reason.
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thepuma said:
tlither as for better educated noobs they are few and far between

I meant that if they can't join, hopefully they will at least browse the site (hopefully the stickies) and pick up some useful information beforehand.
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23Magnum said:
It was done before and the way accounts were choosen were by 0 post count and only one login(usually the day they joined).

As long as they post, no existing members get booted for inactivity without reason.

Ah yes, that sounds more logical, part of what I meant in my post. Thanks for clarifying it for me.
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Sounds like a plan indeed, I forgot I had an account here, I panicked, then I remembered that how can I NOT have an account, then was time for relief, AND MY SECRIT PROJAKT
LOL, take a breath Gears :lol:

Registration was closed due to the massive quantities of bots that were coming in here. I alone found like 4-5 within a few hours timespan yesterday, I reported all my findings. The way to resolve the problem and to investigate it fully was to close the Registration till everythign got "fixed". The members that are on here now DON'T have anythign to worry about.... unless your a bot.... and I will find you *goes back to patrolling*
Great Idea! I started reading everything since back in April before I signed up. This is good to let noobs get more educated with the site, and that includes me.
The only problem with closing registration, that I can think of is when potential members do their bit by reading through everything to start with, and are well prepared to share everything, then find they can't join. A bit like a punishment, in a way. Suppose though if they were really serious about joining, they'd email a mod or something for a one off join.

All in all, I think its a good idea. gives us time to get to know all the recently joined members before we move onto the next.
yeah, just like with the RPF, they can join when the time is right. If they REALLY want to share, they will email one of us.
One thing I have noticed, as a noob, is that you all have rules - specific rules, and when they are broken, not only is NOTHING done, sometimes the behavior seems to be encouraged.

This will happen on any forum, but as careful as I tried to be the day I joined, and since I spent HOURS reading the FAQ, the RULES, and just really doing research before I asked questions, and I was very careful as to what I posted. I'm not perfect, but I really cared. But honestly, I feel like it may have been a waste of time because of other things I have read and seen occur.

New members break rules by the 2nd or 3rd post... and nothing. Just a nice pat on the back and "it's okay, ease up."

That's unfair to others who follow the rules, and you all need to make the rules mean something. That is just my OPINION, but there is simply no consistency if you enforce one rule and ignore another...... Why have the rule at all, if our members ignore it.

Does that make sense? At least from a new members perspective? And again, I am talking about rules that you all took the time to write down in the RULES list or the FAQ. I am not talking something silly or childish.

Just my two cents, since I have been a member of other forums since 2002 and see how really having enforced rules helps the entire community. So, I say do what you need to do, but just make the rules mean something. I see SO MANY broken, and nothing happens. We are a community, here to help each other. Are we not also to hold each other accountable?

DOWN FROM MY SOAPBOX!! :lol: Hey, it's my opinion, and it is okay to share it.



Enrisan said:
Sounds like a plan.
This forum does need a bit of cleaning up.
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Chuck, you are one of my favorite new members. You did your homework and seeked out help when you needed it. The rules, however, will be strictly enforced if a member breaks it like...more than one time. The first time they usually get a written warning by other members/Mods/Admins (depending on the offense) and from there things will come down harder. Also, the Mods/Admins may miss a few of those members wrong-doings because they have ALOT of other stuff under their belt that usually takes priority over "Hey, dont double post". All in all it works out. and now that the Registration is closed the Q&A Team can focus on the newer members that we may have missed before and show them the ropes ;), if they dont wanna listen, then the Mod Squad can chew on them ^^
which specific rules are we talking about, maybe we can lock em down.

Oh and the noob forum, they get away with things in there, because it's a noob forum.

Didn't think of that...

(Feeling stupid, and like a Grumpy Old Man....)

Shamefully walks away with his head down.

Adam said:
which specific rules are we talking about, maybe we can lock em down.

Oh and the noob forum, they get away with things in there, because it's a noob forum.
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People aren't going to like this and I doubt some of the other mods will either. Understand the following is my opinion only.

New members get what I like to call an adjustment period. I personally give people some slack until about their 15th or 20th post unless their actions have been more severe and warrant immediate action. So yes the "noobs" usually get a slap on the wrist and I will tell them to stop it. If they don't listen and I remember who they are out of the hundreds of other new members who are doing the same crap, then yes I giving them formal warnings and beyond according to what they've been doing wrong.

It's all up to the discretion of the individual mod dealing with the problem at the time. There have been times when I said to myself, "I'm not dealing with this. Someone else will take care of it." Lazy? Maybe, but you deal with whining brats for a long enough time and tell me you're going to be all sunshine and daises at the end, I'd like to see that.

Now just because I said that, I guarantee there are going to be about 20 or more members wondering if they're the 'whining brats' I'm talking about.

The system isn't perfect, but it's far from defective. Deal with it and make your crap, or move on to one of your other beloved forums if that doesn't suit you.

Personally, I'm sick of having to answer and explain my actions or another mod's actions because someone doesn't agree with it entirely.

Registration closing is a good thing. If you're in already, be grateful you're not out.
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