Why are you online right now?

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Because I need to order stuff from Amazon to continue building my suit. I've made some fantastic progress on my helmet and shins.
im always online becasue my computer is always on for reasearch work etc, and i get bored easily. and i have no life, so all my friends are virtual (they are probarbly all bots knowing my luck)
Three pages in less then a day, that's a thread record for me :) I was using my free hours to build something but then I ran out of cardboard.
Just killing time while little naps and posting build pics to keep everyone watching posted, Answerin emails and writing another paper for English.
im looking for pepkura files from the game wolfenstein and seeing if its possibly to make one of the suits you see when you fight a super mecha mazi
Because I'm updating my WIP thread (be sure to check it out. Yes, I'm that desperate for attention. Shameless plug).
Just browsin', looking at people's amazing projects. Being a newbie here feels like when I got lost in Wal-Mart without my mom 12 years ago. Alas, I will find my way. Hopefully soon I'll be able to contribute, but for now I will just kick back and look at the awesome projects of these incredible people, incubating my own ideas, floating inside my head.
But yeah, other than that, pretty much nothing. :D
Just browsin', looking at people's amazing projects. Being a newbie here feels like when I got lost in Wal-Mart without my mom 12 years ago. Alas, I will find my way. Hopefully soon I'll be able to contribute, but for now I will just kick back and look at the awesome projects of these incredible people, incubating my own ideas, floating inside my head.
But yeah, other than that, pretty much nothing. :D

I don't I've ever heard it be described in such a manor, but I think you hit the nail on the head. It's a little overwhelming at first, but read the stickies (and then read them some more), and ask for a mentor in venture's Mentor thread. You'll get paired up with someone experienced who can answer all your questions.
Reading a topic asking me what I'm doing online now... Which is reading a topic...

:p sorry, it had to be done
Trying to get motivated to do something. :D I need ideas for Bungie's week 3 All Star contest. Whose head should I photoshop onto Master Chief's body?
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