My Attempt at Halo reach Carter build

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Hello 405th this is my first post I've been following this site for a while and with the help of my friend Nick Nack Patty Wack I've been buidling my Halo reach carter suit for anime expo comic con and what not this is my first time buidling something like this and I'm totally a noob at this I've built costumes before but not at this caliber.

So far I've built the helmet and Nick Nack Patty Wack did the fiberglass and bondo work I never used the stuff so he showed me how it's done I'll another helmet on my own when I build an ODST helmet for my next build I've already built the torso out of foam after be inspired by Timecon's build and I'm in the process of building an assault rifle out of a recon cs6 nerf gun I saw someone else on here do it and I though I give it a shot so here are some pics of my progress so far





I havent taken pictures of the gauntlet yet right now I'm going to try and get the visor into the helmet and also I'm going to fix the front torso it sticks out way too far for me.
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The armor looks good so far. If you don't mind, some punctuation would make reading your posts a little easier. Good luck on the build. Definitely check out Blackula's Commando helmet for inspiration and motivation!
"come punctuation"? hahaha sorry it was too easy but yes you are right both me and Nick Nack have been checking out Blackula's work. I will use the method he laid out I will get materials next week and me and Nick Nack will give it a shot I'll post up pictures when I'm done.
"come punctuation"? hahaha sorry it was too easy but yes you are right both me and Nick Nack have been checking out Blackula's work. I will use the method he laid out I will get materials next week and me and Nick Nack will give it a shot I'll post up pictures when I'm done.

Well, oops. Slip of the finger. Looking forward to the pics.
Ok sorry guys I just now got the hang of how to post the pictures so now you can see the progress The helmet is complete a big thank you to Nick Nack Patty Wack for helping build it he even went a few steps further and did some airbrush detail and wired it with L.E.D. lights I tried to use Blackula's visor mounting method but I ran into a design flaw, My head is just too damn big. So I compromised with using Hotglue and duct tape so far it's holding " Knock on wood"












I also had to do some major adjustments to the torso armor to make it easier for me to move around, I had to cut away at the under armor pieces cause they were too thick I'll probably replace it with thinner foamies.
Wow this is coming along so fast and it still looks really good. Man I've gotten like 2 things pepped in the time you've made half a suit! Great work, keep it up. Also those LEDs are a cool touch.
Thanks again now I've noticed something interesting my torso armor does then to stick out a bit and it moves around somewhat I know it's not a size issue cause I did the sizing right but I just realized that the thickness is off cuase of the foam that was used instead of the conventional card stock fiberglassing. so I'm going to have to work out a way to keep the armor from sliding around on my body I may have to add some straps or something. on the interior so I can stabalize the armor more. Do you guys have any other suggestions?
It looks pretty good.
i noticed the the chest peice was a little warped, and you shoulda gone with a more flatter paint then a shiny gloss, but the helmet is immaculate. Good job
thanks I dont know how the chest part got warped it was liek that in the buidling process I'm trying to figure it out how to keep it from wriggling around so much might add a few straps underneath

here's another picture update I've done the forearm gauntlets and you can see how the costume fits it's a little too bulky for my taste but I can work with it


and this is what I look like at night you see me coming down the street...RUN!
Sorry guys it's been a while I just completed the handplates and the cod piece they were mostly done free handed The Pep file I had were accurate but I'm using the printouts as stencils but some parts were just too complicated to do so I just kinda winged it. I'll post up pictures and a video hopefully this weekend as soon as I get this camera functioning.
It looks pretty good.
i noticed the the chest peice was a little warped, and you shoulda gone with a more flatter paint then a shiny gloss, but the helmet is immaculate. Good job

actually it's not a real glossy paint nor is it shiny the shine your probably seeing is the metal scartch detail I put in to the armor I 'll post up closer pics later
Greetings 405thers sorry I havent posted in a long time the costume is complete big thanks to Nick Nack Patty Wack for the help and taking of the photos and help with the build sorry I dont have alot of progression or w.i.p pics my internet is down and my camera broke so here's pics of me in the full completed suit I'm even buying cheetos

well thats it for now I'll be making adjustments to the suit and gun over time it'll be in prestige condition for Long beach comic con but for now I'll be at Anahiem tommorow for it's official test drive stay tuned for my next build a custom ODST armor

thanks for your support and advice guys stay frosty
Sweet build, it came out looking very nice. That convenience store clerk should have just given you the cheetos. You had a gun.
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