WOOO!!! Black-ops ;) who's going to midnight release?

who's going?

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I think the only reason I'm not getting it is because I don't have an awesome costume to go to the release in. Halo: Reach was my first and probably last midnight release extravaganza.

Although I disagree with you, Alex. Modern Warfare 1 was an excellent game. It had a fantastic single player (long, interesting, nice plot twists, etc). I still enjoy playing through the single player 3 years after its release. Modern Warfail 2, on the the other hand, was a product of Bobby Kotick, CEO and evil leader of Activision. After forcing Infinity Ward to hack just about everything out of Modern Warfail 2, he gutted Infinity Ward of all the people that resisted his changes. Fortunately, EA is really interested in picking up Treyarch, so Kotick has some motivation to let Treyarch do what they do best.

I will be buying this game in a few months IF
1) Full control over dedicated servers. Meaning that I can get a T1 line and use my own hardware to host my own server
2) Good single player. Good story, good game play, long game play (10+ hours).
3) Mod tools for multiplayer.

If those three conditions are not met, I will NOT be buying this game. Heck, I'm seriously considering not getting this game simply because of Activision and Kotick. I bought Bad Company 2 out of spite for what that man did to the CoD series. It used to be good. Up till Kotick took over and is now milking the 13 year old console players for every penny they have.
Black Ops is going to suck just like Modern Warfare
Im only getting it for the Zombies
I HEARD THAT!!!! Yeah... Honestly the only reason i might get it is zombies.
And if they include linebacker II into it (buncha b52's blowin crap up and an SR71 leading them (piloted by my grandfather) linebacker II was what ended the Vietnam war)

But honestly the way I see it, appearently if you rock at CoD at my school you are awesome, if not or you dont like them (like me) your as good as a dead man!! And if your were to take 70% of the prestiged guys and tried to put them in the military they would be to fat to even get in and they would probably die within the first 3 seconds (but I thought you get shot in the head twenty times you're eyes pulse red until you've stood still for five seconds then you could go take a rocket to the face and live!!) lol

CoD BO is gonna suck. Seriously, cod (nut protector) BO (armpit stank)
ITS IN THE FREAKIN NAME!! I could make a giant list of every thing I really don't like about CoD
Personally, I think that the Call of Duty series’ multiplayer is HORRABLE. No balance in the firearms (there weapons that are amazing in every way, shape and form, therefore everybody uses it, and that just makes the game, when online, the largest piss-off and waist of time ever).

However, campaign is a different story. This is because the terrible weapon balance actually compliments the single player attribute of the game, therefore posing an actual threat from the enemy AI (when on hardened or veteran difficulty). This makes the campaign somewhat of a challenge, apposed to an easy sweep-through.

For example, I find the campaign of all of the CoD games fun because I don’t resort to cheep tactics. I try not to use the M203 grenade launcher (or anything that launches high-explosives in general unless it is absolutely needed). I also don’t run and gun, spam grenades, and so-on… If you actually play the game tactically (Check your corners, flash/frag a room before you clear it, flank the enemy, and actually take cover apposed to sprinting 24/7) ,the campaign aspect of the game becomes extremely fun.

If you really want to enjoy the game, don’t sprint around with a flame thrower then let loose when you see an enemy. That destroys the fun of the game. Sure, it may be fun to burn ‘em out, but it becomes boring after a while.

As for the Modern Warfare 2 campaign, I thought it was excellent. I loved the story (the Russians invading the US was an excellent touch- No offence if that comment was at all offensive), and I hope that Black Ops is just as good campaign wise as Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2. I’ve lost all Multiplayer hope for CoD anyway… But, I won’t let that ruin the campaign.

Regardless, I’ll be renting the game today to see if it is worth buying later down the road.

That’s just my 2 cents.

Stay frosty, and see you on the battlefield,

Xtreme TACTICS 101
Nope, I've been burned by Treyarch before. Even if it was from Infinity Ward, I'm not sure I would pick it up with so much of the MW team gone.
Honestly, I might get it from my parents for Christmas, but I don't see myself getting it on my own.

A: I'm going to get AC: Brotherhood next week.

B: I'm not much of a COD multiplayer fan.

C: I just don't have the time to play two FPS games, One awesome Assassin game, and one Star Wars game.
C: I just don't have the time to play two FPS games, One awesome Assassin game, and one Star Wars game.

If you're talking about TFU II, it's really short. I grabbed it as a buy 2 get 1 free thing best buy was doing 2 weeks back, and I wish I had just rented it instead.
Yeah I was talking TFU II. I know it's short but I still need to beat it on all the difficulties.
@ Alex SPartan177
i personally didn't think that the other CoD didn't suck, my opinion
I wpuld get the game but i don't have any money at all and that i am not allowed to play CoD because it is to violent, i hopefully will get to play when i turn 13, my friend also went to the midnight release, he says that if anyone that goes to the midnight release for a game they are obsessed and they are nerds but he went to the midnight release so basically he is a nerd
I'm not getting it right now. I'm going to play with one of my co-workers after he picks it up, and I'll make my decision from there.

I was never really into the CoD series. I've only played a tiny bit of CoD 4's campaign and 3 rounds of multiplayer...and never touched it again because it somehow ended up belonging to my dad. MW2 was only played when Infinity Ward came to my ship and had their fancy set up in the hangar bay. It was only fun when everyone had to start out with the cruddy weapons. That was the only time the game was balanced.
I won't get it right away, at least not within the next few weeks for sure. However, I'll probably pick it up around Christmas time just for kicks with friends and what not. Not really a CoD fan, but I can play a handful of games in one sitting before having enough for one day. There are some new features that I am excited to try out in BO.
I'm not gonna get it until March.
Because on Thursday, couple of my friends gonna come over to play Black Ops which one of them gonna let me borrow it until March because he get a new xbox that Month xD
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