Master Chief

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Everythign is looks really nice. Im really impressed with the laser. That was the first one I've seen and I can only imagine how many parts there were to cut out and fold! My hat is is off to you, sir.

Well done and looking forward to mroe updates!
Thanx every one.
Carlino: Actually the Laser build was not bad there are alot of extra tabs in the file from the unfold so there was quite a bit of trimming as i went along and I had to build some gussets now and then to keep it straight.

James: Actually I can get magnets in bulk on line so getting enough for multiple guns is not a problem. Then it's just 2 small peaces of metal instead of 10 or 12 depending on how many weapons I build.
Alright well I guess my concern was were the magnets going to be big enough to hold up that much weight. It seemed like a good idea at the time, having VERY strong magnets built onto your suit. But if you think you can get the magnets yourself, and if you think they are good enough to hold up, then I guess it's your gun, right?
Alright well I guess my concern was were the magnets going to be big enough to hold up that much weight. It seemed like a good idea at the time, having VERY strong magnets built onto your suit. But if you think you can get the magnets yourself, and if you think they are good enough to hold up, then I guess it's your gun, right?

I also think you should put them UNDERNEATH the Pep. If they won't show up, that would be a good way of doing it, if it didn't degrade the "charge" of the magnet. Just a thought. Maybe you can hide them, it's my idea.
if you could somehow get your hand in there, you might possibly be able to thin out the spot where the magnets will go from the inside. that might help with the "degrading" part?
These were what I was looking at for magnets They come in a bunch of different sizes so the would be great to hide in the guns and down the back of the Mark 6 back I was going to cut out the some areas on the down runs from the shoulders and glue (or something) in the peaces of plate. After it's all painted you'd never know the difference and the only thing between the plate and the magnet is paint.
I have been using magnets in my Gray Fox helmet and you can just glue them on the inside of the armor. I bought the super strong ones , "rare earth magnets", and they work great.
Been working on the visor the last couple of days. I have my first test visor worked out. Just need to tweak the helmet alittle and get a couple of new visors foe the finished product.

By misfitjh
And here is me with the helmet on

By misfitjh
That is a great idea with the magnets. Is that a pic of your daughter with the helmet on? When I saw it I was like "WOAH, HAIR!" lol. Then I realized, oh wait.... lol The visor looks great, but I am gonna suggest tinting. If you get a clear peice... oh you know what, nevermind. Just go with the whole "Motorcycle..." whatever..
Thanx Liq I've been trying to figure out a way to harden it. I used the front part that is separate as a test subject.

By misfitjh So on the top I used Rondo but found it to be to soft, on the nose and the one side I used regular Bondo and found it much harder. I'm going to finish sanding it and see how ridged it stays if it works then I'll bondo the rest.

As for the Mark6 well I fixed the little spots that I could see now I just have to primer it to see if I missed anything.

By misfitjh

By misfitjh The two black ones are my testers when I try molding. I also started working on the right for arm as well. I had a never ending rotation of part one would be hardening while I sanded another and the third would be ready for bondo then I'd rotate the pile.

By misfitjh

James: the only problem with tinting is if you use a spray tint them you run the risk of it streaking then you have to look through a blurry visor. If you use tint sheets then you run the risk of it being to dark and not being able to see. A motorcycle visor comes in all the right colours, are made to see through with out any blurring, can take an impact if you drop your helm and are only about $30.
Looking good so far! Take it from me, though, magnets can be a pain to work with. Stronger rare earth magnets have a tendency to be brittle, and if you let them come together to quickly they can crack (say, after you remove them from the box). They can also get pulled out their adhesive if the bond is too weak. Just be careful and use a strong adhesive and they can work amazingly well. :3
Cool thanx for the info every one, I've got an idea in mind that I want to try and if it works I'll post it.
Ok just a quick update. Finish cutting out a new bicep, had to re-size cause the last one was to small. Just want to say thanx to Robogenisis for modeling it and Ral Partha for doing a great job on the unfold. No pics as of yet, need to get some new batteries for my camera.
the pep on the laser is awesome. i have not done a weapon yet but have looked and have been a little intimidated by the smaller pieces and all the nooks and crannies to try and get into while peping it out. looks great!
woah that looks awesome, especially the spartan laser!
how are you planning to harden it, considering you get to coat it only from the outside??
There is away to coat it from the inside using Rondo but I'm still debating how best to tackle the laser. I could fiberglass it from the out side but I might lose some details. If I remove the barrel on the laser which I'll have to do no matter which method I use I can pour Rondo in through the existing hole. The only trouble with that is it will use up a fare bit of product, and I'm not sure how much it will weigh after the Rondo.
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