Guilty Spark 343 Is Now Completed Pix Inside!

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wellsince we have been getting alot of hits on here again i will make sure to work on him tomorrow for the wife and to post pix also. thanks alot every1 tho keep on commenting.
I know it has been a long time but as promised Guilty Spark is officially COMPLETE!!!!!! :D
Unfortunately he doesn't talk, but check out the pictures






"I am a genius!" -343 Guilty Spark Halo CE
Nicely done. One of my favorites AND most annoying game characters. I was always like DAMMIT HELP ME kill these Flood!! Ah yes, good scary frustrating and infuriating times.Now if you can get it to hum and babble inanely you too will be a genius!
this is the hubby and we where goin to make him humm and talk i had the files but just have to figure out how to get the sounds out of hime but not make him so heavy and thanks it took a while to make and finish but we got it done and with most of the stuff we wanted to do now lets c if we get anyone big to look and write on this.............
Thanks i am so happy its done. The next step is to get the sound effects and phrases but right now working on my next sets of armor for next Comic Con
Epic win right there!
The talking is going to be an amazing feature to this build! Looking forward to it :D
Wow, great prop!

I'm not sure how heavy he is or how much room y'all have to play with on the inside, but there's a small amp (in comparison to the large ones) that Radio shack sells that may work with something like an Ipod shuffle hidden somewhere. Or an MP3 player that has a speaker already in it, though the sound quality may suffer?
very nicely done, its quite smooth and I love the eye.
i am quite sure there is somethign out there that can give you the sound you need but not add to much weight. i would hit up ebay and just start looking around there.
well we both have been talking and we will try to find something for the voice since u all want it lol just keep watching this and we will have it up some time soon we hope but its not the top of our list since i have my odst and she has her own proect right now.....
Thanks of all the comments!!!
A couple of things we are going to do:
1. yes it will speak and hum (just give me some time and it will be done)
2. I'm making a red lens so i can switch it from blue to red

Will post pix of it with the red lens later today so keep checking back
Very VERY nice. I must say. We'll get pictures in armor of you both and him at a near date. Will we use him for the fan film?
You could use some of those "Record your own message" greeting cards and either build a button matrix to control them or hook them up to play randomly when someone moves in front of him.
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