Halo Reach - Kat

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erm, Wrap Hardboard( yes hardboars, It's something between Cardstock and cardboard) in cheap black fabric?
That's the sale price!??!!?! :O That is actually still way too expensive for me. :(
Trust me, that's cheap. The ones I looked at before cost more than $200. I would have gotten this but I already a suit. You can try ebay and search for pressure suit.
I'm actually building my own, just waiting for all of the materials to get here. So far I'm sitting at $80, so if your trying to do it cheap I may be able to help.
you could always invest like $30 bucks on some rubber sheeting and some foam and wrap the foam in the rubber and create the legacy fx suit.. that's AU dollars though.
that's what im doing, some rivets here and there, folding the foam into shape and then wrapping the rubber sheet around it. im going to be updating my thread with it, the rubber will be attached straight to the suit. rather than a separate under suit..
just an idea :)
you could always invest like $30 bucks on some rubber sheeting and some foam and wrap the foam in the rubber and create the legacy fx suit.. that's AU dollars though.
that's what im doing, some rivets here and there, folding the foam into shape and then wrapping the rubber sheet around it. im going to be updating my thread with it, the rubber will be attached straight to the suit. rather than a separate under suit..
just an idea :)

I was thinking of something similar to that, but using different material. I don't even know where I would find rubber sheeting. o_O

And after a good, close up look of the undersuit of the live action one, I could tell how they did theirs. :p After I saw that, I was starting to get an idea of what to do, but I really don't have much of a good idea for material to use. XD
Okay, this is it......

I"m giving up on this build! >:[

I have attempted FIVE shins to see if they fit and EVERY SINGLE TIME it's too tight on the sides!!! The height is perfect, but it's always too tight and there would be NO WAY that I would be able to even wear anything under it. I have been editing this model in blender for HOURS! I have tried so many different things and NONE of them have fit me right.

It has always been just the sides that I am having problems with. I have been looking at any and all reference pictures I got and I can't get anything to work! I have wasted too much time working on this that there is no way that I will get this done in time, so with this, I am DONE with armor building. Nothing has worked right, nothing fits right and it just frustrates me to no end, so I figure the best option would be is to just not do it anymore.

EVERY build I have attmepted has failed and I just get mad since I have wasted time, paper, ink, and money to try and build this stuff and something ALWAYS goes wrong that puts a damper on the whole build. So this is it.

I'm done.
sad :(

its always sad to see someone stop building in this kind of community
i sorta know what its like though, on every build i've done i have always scaled something wrong in a really stupid way or not checked what the scale is...
so i know the frustration of getting something wrong which you've spent hours on.

however, i hope that you'll still be part of the 405th and continue assisting with unfolds and models, even if you can't quite get a build right

hey halo goddess,
im not going to post some big paragraph on why you should continue, so here are a few sentences :)

yeah sometimes building the same thing gets extremely tedious and you think your losing out money, time and resources.. but your learning each time, narrowing down the problem. i built about 4 shins for my mk vi armour before i got it right, and even then i think i could have gone bigger.. and helmets! gah dont get me started on them.

youve just gotta stick with it, think of the end result. even if it takes you a year to build a full suit.
also having deadlines can cause a bit of a panic, you come across as someone who loves something to be accurate and detailed, so when building in such a small time frame can cause you to cut corners and lose some details.. which then in turn makes you not really like the end product. so take your time!

and last but not least,
if you want.. i could check out your edited shins and see what i could do in 3ds max (not that the program matters) but a different perspective from another person could help.

well looks like it turned into a paragraph..

anyway, if you choose to stop now, you will be missed and you have helped me out alot!
and not to mention the other members here :)

so i hope to see you stay around, you have skill with the 3d files and editing them and unfolding.

DONT LEAVE!!! You cant leave! Like Nat said, just because it might take you a year to make doesnt mean you should stop! I have attempted to make 4 suits and failed all 4 times, now I am trying to get a N6 done by the release and if I dont... I will just go to gamestop sometime in my suit like adam did! What I am saying is that no matter how much you try then fail, just get back on the horse and try again.

Also, you still have a nearly finished Hayabusa sitting around that you could finish anytime you want! You can try Dare again, maybe something easy like a marine! What ever you do, dont give up!
If you need some inspiration, Bungie made a life size statue that I'm sure you could find some pictures of kat on google or another search engine.
Dear halogoddess,

I think you should not give up. I know lots of other people are saying this, and they want you to stay, but I can understand you situation a little more. My journey into building armor has been nothing but failures and learning experiences. I've been working on armor for a year now, and have not even made one piece that I am happy with. warping is my real problem. I can't seem to produce a piece that wont warp, be symmetical, or just satisfy me in any way. I bought a craft robo, and I can't get it to work either. School's going to start soon, and that's going to take armor back a notch. As well as the lovely michigan winter weather that is impending in on us. I can't bondo to save my life. I see the work of others and I get jelous because they make it look so easy.

But I'm not going to give up. I saw that Indy mogul video and the image of me in armor is implanted in my brain. I will not stop until I have a full set of spartan armor,even if it takes me until college to make it.

If I'm not going to give up from all that bad stuff, then you should not give up either. You have the support of every member on the forum, including me. we've all been through this one time or another, and we're willing to help. So don't ever give up.

(that sounded really corny, but I hope it worked.)
Don't stop :(
Why don't you try another kind of shin? Maybe lganderson's? It looks good. Rhinoc's? It's good. Rundown's? It's good. Just try different things until you get it right. I made a shin, height was perfect, but it was just too large. I've started something else, though, and I'm still going. I tried this last year, thought it would be easy. It wasn't. Here I am, a year later, going at it again. Don't just give up because of a silly piece. Try making something else, then make the shins. And a suggestion to edit the model is to take pictures of your shins, front, sides, and back, input them into the modeling program and put the shin on top and edit it from there. It will give you a perfect fit if you try it like that and add a few centimeters. Just try everything, and never give up. You have my support.
PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!!!! Pretty much just agreeing with everyone else and, like everyone else, sharing my personal experience with this stuff. Sorry, this will be a long post...

I don't know how many projects I've started that have ended in frustration. I started my Samus project LAST APRIL hoping to be done in time for Halloween last year. When I re-started in March of this year I thought I'd be done for Halloween this year. Not going to happen, even if I'm able to quit my job, work on it full time, and magically get unlimited funding an a real workspace to work in. My wife asked me an interesting question when I was about ready to cry in frustration from yet another setback, realizing there was no way I'd finish on time... she asked me why I was doing this in the first place. Am I really spending two years working on something that will only be worn for one night? Is that really why we do this? Or is it something else? Is it because there is actually joy in making something? Creating for creation's sake? Deadlines cause stress, and stress reduces enjoyment. She suggested I set aside the arbitrary deadlines and simply delight in the creative process. Even if it takes another two years, simply enjoy the creating. (Incidentally, I thought this was really weird coming from her... she hates EVERYTHING about my projects... the time I spend on it, the messes it makes, the ignoring everything else, the the way I act when I get obsessive about one aspect of it... still trying to figure out her angle ;) )

But don't just give up completely! If you must stop working for a while, do so only temporarily, and only to do something else. We all understand how repeated failure can reduce enjoyment, too... It's much more enjoyable when you do something that actually works. When you run into a seemingly insurmountable problem, it may be best to step away for a while and do something else. After my last major frustration, I put away my sculpting to play video games, practice my pepakura, browse the forums for inspiration, and generally allow the frustration to dissipate. Plus, in the back of your mind, you won't really stop working on it... you may get a sudden inspiration as to how to solve that one niggling problem you're having. Even if it takes 9 months like mine did, it will come to you, probably when you least expect it.

So, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't give up! We're all with you!
I wonder if I could get my... Nah... I want to get a Recon helmet, but it won't be till after Reach that I can afford that. I bet Sam Goody would get me a discout too! Maybe I could wear the helmet about, and then let them put it in a display case or something. But that won't happen. *SadD Fase* Reeeccooonnnnnnnnnnnn!!! *SOB* I wish I could rush it......
Just stay calm, take your time. I've redone everything 3 times now....everything! You think i get fustrated, you think anyone else in this world gets fustrated...yeah. Just take your time, measure 5 times-print once. Check the height, width, and dept; check every axis. Make sure if it fits one way, it'll fit another.
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