It's Halloween, What Did You Do?

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Alright since my plans got totally shot for tonight, I figured I'd start a post for tonight's adventures, feel free to chime in with pictures, stories, or what not about your suits/night in general.

For me I will be sittin on my bum for a couple more hours...

Heading into work.

and being depressed the whole night through since I don't get to enjoy my favorite night of the year. (Stolen armor, called into work, minor head cold.) yeah.. fun night.

Hopefully someone has some better stories for tonight, and photos!
Lol. yea I bet. My Undersuit came in yesterday - I was like "wtf" they mailed me saying they would ship it right away 3 days ago - but I ordered it like a month ago, and they said they would ship immediately lol.... stupid company.

So I have a full black zentai like suit for my under parts.. a belt... my harness... a non-painted still-bondo detailing helmet... 1 silver visor (the other never showed up) gloves and that's about it.

I decided not to hand out candy tonight, didn't plan to be here and everyone else left, so I just turned the lights out. Plotting next Halloween, giving me roughly 300 days to get suits done properly.

And I am so going to look into putting insurance on the next suit, in case of theft accidental damage or whatever.

I think next year I will have my Mark VI, Cog, and possibly another suit done from a MMORPG. Figure 4 months for each suit is plenty of time, but first to get a spot to work on them.. a safer spot.. and possibly some mannaquins to hold it when finished to display the work.
I took my daughters Trunk or Treating in my MK VI, got swarmed by people wanting pictures, and just checking out the suit heh. I had a couple kids run up shake my hand, get pics taken, hug me and then cry when they had to leave. I knew people would react to the suit, but I didn't think it would be such an impact. I'll probably try to get to more places next year if possible.
I'm at home sick, the wife is out with the son. I'm playin through Halo right now, Halo 2 is next, and before that I put my newest action figures in there new desplay case :] today was a good day for them to get here.


sorry about bad pix. still using my phone, still cant find camra cord
Caboos318 said:
I'm at home sick, the wife is out with the son. I'm playin through Halo right now, Halo 2 is next, and before that I put my newest action figures in there new desplay case :] today was a good day for them to get here.


sorry about bad pix. still using my phone, still cant find camra cord

You took them out of their packaging *Ghasp*! How DARE you!

Lol, just kidding mate.

As for me, I was actually hit by a freeking car. So no trick r' treating for me this year... Oh well, next year.
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I get to go to work, but its not soo bad. I don't get to dress up per se, we have a dress code, but I will there will be a ton of people in costume. I work as a bouncer at the local club, so I will see plenty of great costumes 8)
Well for me we ran out of candy around 9 we had over 8 bags of candy handing out 3 to 4 peices per kid. so i think around 3 hundred total this year. Ill have picks up by the end of tomorrow.i would od it tonight but i have a 7 hour drive back home in the morning
You'll have to look into that Thin Ice stuff you can buy for your suit then, so you don't overhead anymore ^.^

I gotta get ready for work, look forward to reading/seeing more when I get back.
i got to wear my armor to work, its hard as hell to fill back stock in armor lol. i woulda got pictures but i forgot a camera. Im planning on one-upping myself next year(gotta get started on that one). I also managed to freak out a couple kids and an old lady(its okay, i knew her)
I know this would be off the norm on here but i walked around in my Gebirgsjager uniform and now i am home just chillin by the door waiting for kids to's some pics of my uniform though:


Before the heavy coat...though i forgot to fix my uniform before i took the pic..


Me in my full cold weather gear...

I know its not Halo but i am still working on that...hehe next year is going to be awesome!
My costume was originally planned to have a Chestburster coming out of my chest, but then I decided it would be creepier if it was a hand instead. Long story short, I had Freddy Krueger crawling out of me.
Went around our neighborhood tricking and treating(14 ding dong ditches in a row and 10 pounds a treats), went as(as best i could cobble together) Mister Hat and Clogs from Bleach.

even had me a sword XD
Well.. i didnt Trick or Treat... There was a party at my friend's house.. it was lame..

there was my friend house and their grandparents next door.. so all the adults went to the grandparents house..

and us "Teens" went to my friend's house.. we watch Comedy Central that shows Scary Movie and Scary Movie 3.... Play Cards.. Listen to Music.

I should of bring my xbox to play Halo 3 :(
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