Why do YOU build armor?

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I build armor for my Evile plan to take over the world!!! D:<!!!! lol jk jk.....Or am I? Besides that i Build armor mostly because i truly enjoy working with my hands and seeing something ive made myself come to fruition, The feeling is unexplainable, and unmatchable.
Howdy Howdy...
Second post.. (after my intro.) This seemed an apropos thread. I have not built armor yet. I am beginning to work on four suits. There are many reasons I am doing this but the main one is so that my Two daughters, my wife and I can all go to some Cons or such together dressed as SPARTANS. I've been working in Theatre on and off since the late 80's and have built some pretty complicated stuff.. this is my first thing along these lines however and this site has been wonderful as a reference guide. (Kudos.) I am planning a foam build, as I have never worked with Papakura before and do not have the computer equipment needed at the moment to play and learn more. (I am on a MAC system, and I have no printer at home.)

The family all play HALO together and both my daughters love to do cosplay conventions and the like. I thought this would be a really neat idea for the family and everybody was excited about it... Now I just gotta pull it off.. In the mean time, it's given us a great excuse to play more reach, fiddle with armor configs, and rewatch our battles.. pausing to laugh or study..
I want to get into building HALO armour because I want to actually make something myself that I enjoy. The only think I've built thus far in my 20 years of life is a solar cooker out of card board and glass. I would like to learn the skills that are associated with building armour so that I can apply them to other aspects of my life. I also was motivated to attempt to build some sort of armour that may help protect my fellow Marines as well as other service members when I looked up the guy who made the Bear Suit and the Trojan Armour sev years ago.
You should have your family help you build the suits D905, then you can have a family moment, or something like that.

Another reason to build armour, it can be a group activity with friends and family.
i also build armor for a little bit of cash because i sometimes make suits for people that want to buy one and not only that making armor is fun
I started on this hobby because I wanted to make my son some cool costumes. while I was looking for ideas I came across the 405th and decided I would start with an awsome costume for myself. I love halo, and Master Chief is a badass soldier. I also love creating things with my hands. I had no idea how much fun i would have making it, and the pride I felt when I started seeing the pieces come together. I also love telling people about it and the process involved. Everybody I have talked to about it has nothing but good things to say. I am hooked now. I love this hobby and who knows mabey some day I will get commisioned to make stuff for other people. cant go wrong with making a little money on the side while doing something you enjoy.
I had developed a full blown Halo CE addiction from years and years of playing... so naturally by the time i found out about Pepakura and what not, i had to give that a go... I just like to be able to hold a tangible object... like the weapon's or the helmets...
for me it is a challenge i would build a full body armor fit to me then work on upgrading it using some skills that either i already knew or learned from college people at the college i attend are now asking me to build their armor and build it to mine but i noticed with each armor some new is added be it better gears and hedges or brighter lights so as i go through i learn something new with every armor
I build halo armor cause when I was little it was my dream to have a realistic halo suit. I even tried making a helmet out of crushed aluminum foil
I started building armor two years ago and I thought it would be the coolest thing ever if I made armor on my own. I initially found 405th on accident while watching vids on YouTube (Yup, Indymogul).
At first, I was looking for funny random things that happened to players in Halo 3 on XBL and then I see the vid with Skullcandygirl.
I dunno, something sparked in me and I wanted to try something like building Halo Armor.
I always liked Halo, playing it when the first game came out (I was eight) and I loved the lore and books.
My first suit was difficult and in the end, a failure (I ended up throwing it away after two uses) but I loved making it every step of the way!
Now into my second suit, I actually know what I'm doing and I've learned from my past mistakes. I'm determined to make this next suit in the standards of an Elite. Being a college student without a job, a shop, and lives with her parents, this will be a challenge.
But hey, I never said that I didn't like doing things the hard way. ;P

I still need to find a job though...

well i wish you luck on your build Alexis i have also been building armor for a few years but one of my friends really got me started on my first project ever since then i have built 2 suits and i am now attempting to start on a third but being a high schooler it is rather difficult but i always seem to end up with a very nice looking suit of armor afterwards
I love making props because it's fun to do. I love seeing a build from print to finish, and I feel accomplished when I do that myself. It's also an awesome feeling when you see something in a video game, and you witness it come to life first hand, from your very fingertips. I also love weapon props, so that's why I made myself a Gnasher from Gears of War. I bought myself a Retro Lancer replica from NECA (since I'm still a noobie about this stuff and making a gun prop that big is out of my league ATM) but my next project is the Hammerburst.

You know, some of the greatest hobbies are simply difficult to understand for some people. This is even a passion for many people, and that's awesome. Some people just won't get that. And y'know, that's alright. Some people are just like that.
It's a kind of hobby that is, somehow, easy to do and yet very full filling (for me), I like the armors of Halo, I like Sci-Fi games, your friends will be amazed of you.......
I've been a Halo fan since CE. Read all the books, attended midnight releases, even fashioned my online identity from the Elites' homeworld. Even longer than I've been a Halo fan, I've loved challenges. I grew up building massive lego structures, playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time with 3-hearts-and-no-continues, even dug an underground fort in the woods with some friends. Now that I'm more grown, I've taken on the Halo games on their most difficult settings ("Mythic" difficulty, which is LASO without using any save/quit, and including blind) and became somewhat of a community leader in that vein. I've even designed and launched the Mythic community site recently (though I won't jack this thread for free advertisement).

Looking for a new challenge several years ago, I came across the fledgling 405th. Though I didn't have the material resources to devote towards making a decent suit, I learned all that I could about armor making (at that time, pepakura was just starting to be explored as an option, and people generally built from scratch). As badly as I wanted to build my own suit, I was still young and unable to devote the time and resources towards the project.

Fast forward and I've graduated from college and started a job. Suddenly, I have a reliable, significant source of income, and a lack of homework eating into my free-time. Needless to say, I immediately dove in to armor making. I looked up the 405th again, caught up on all the new techniques and resources (was surprised to see pepakura so widespread) and finally started building from paper in the evenings. As I am new to this, only get a few hours a night to work on it, and am a perfectionist, it takes me at least a week to build one piece (I've built two forearms and the handplates, rebuilding forearms now due to scaling issues).

My building armor has been a dream for years, and now that I've begun it's already more than a hobby, it's a major goal. I don't want this just to have a cool costume, or to show off to people (though they're nice incentives!) I want this to accomplish something I've dreamed about for years. This is the realization of a life goal, the culmination of a decade of nerd-devotion and patience. This is MY challenge.

THAT is why I am building armor, and mastery of the art is why I will likely continue to build more following my first suit.
Honesty I've always enjoyed building things. There is something awesome about taking something only in your head or on paper and turning it into reality. I've been building things since I was a little kid starting with model cars at around 8 years old.
I love Halo and anything to do with halo. That's what started me off on this but I've never felt so proud as I did when I finished my Anya costume. It was so much work and stress but there is just something amazingly cool walking around in armor
I build armour for protection to be honest, and to look cool. I know its no bullet resistant vest, but fibre glass armour with a few layers could stop a knife... or a rock. Also, I could go to public places in it to show off. But yeah, if there's a riot, apocalypse, or alien invasion, my armour might come in handy (probably).
I'm also an artist and I like building things and engaging in craftsmanship.
I told my brothers zombies can't bite through it
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