New Member
Hey everyone, I'm Mitch
I'm an Australian cosplayer who got into cosplaying specifically to make a Halo 3 Master Chief costume a few years ago. Back then I decided to make a clone trooper costume at the last second as I had no previous 3d printing, painting or general costume-making experience and didn't want to do a poor job with Chief. Since then, I've been pretty busy with uni and never got around to making Chief, but after making a really quick Halo CE marine build with my mate (below), I decided now was the time to start.

I'm making the armor based on the look from the Halo 3 'Finish the Fight' trailer with that juicy metallic green/gold paint job. I'm 3D printing the majority of the suit using Moesizzlac's files and my helmet came from Branfuhr Studios. All of the files have been roughly scaled and I'm doing my best to meet the in-game proportions of each armor piece. I'm not only going to make Mark VI armor though, I'd love to make all of the Halo 3 armor configurations, but I know when I'm being too ambitious.. So at the very least, I'll also be making the recon helmet, chest and shoulders to be compatible with the armor. If I have time to make other sets in the future, I'll definitely give those a crack too!

I've been modifying the files slightly just to add some details here and there as well as creating spaces for the lights. First piece I printed was a bicep... Which failed twice. Not a great start but despite the waste of filament, I'm pretty happy with how it came out!

Anyway since then, I've finished printing the biceps and forearms. I've also started cutting the visor out of my helmet cast, but I'm waiting for some decent weather before I finish. After spending way too much time adding some details to the chest/back plate (are fatal errors usually this common with meshmixer??), I'm currently printing the first chest piece as well. Really hoping I've scaled it correctly because its looking quite large on my printer..

Anyway that's about where I'm up to currently. The plan is to complete the entire base costume within 3 months, and then I'll think about future additions such as the recon gear. I also intend to make a Halo 3 carbine and/or a rocket launcher to go with the suit, but weapons aren't my priority right now.
So if anyone has some feedback or questions, feel free to reply! I appreciate the discussion and I'll try to keep this thread updated as often as I can.
Thanks for reading
I'm an Australian cosplayer who got into cosplaying specifically to make a Halo 3 Master Chief costume a few years ago. Back then I decided to make a clone trooper costume at the last second as I had no previous 3d printing, painting or general costume-making experience and didn't want to do a poor job with Chief. Since then, I've been pretty busy with uni and never got around to making Chief, but after making a really quick Halo CE marine build with my mate (below), I decided now was the time to start.

I'm making the armor based on the look from the Halo 3 'Finish the Fight' trailer with that juicy metallic green/gold paint job. I'm 3D printing the majority of the suit using Moesizzlac's files and my helmet came from Branfuhr Studios. All of the files have been roughly scaled and I'm doing my best to meet the in-game proportions of each armor piece. I'm not only going to make Mark VI armor though, I'd love to make all of the Halo 3 armor configurations, but I know when I'm being too ambitious.. So at the very least, I'll also be making the recon helmet, chest and shoulders to be compatible with the armor. If I have time to make other sets in the future, I'll definitely give those a crack too!

I've been modifying the files slightly just to add some details here and there as well as creating spaces for the lights. First piece I printed was a bicep... Which failed twice. Not a great start but despite the waste of filament, I'm pretty happy with how it came out!

Anyway since then, I've finished printing the biceps and forearms. I've also started cutting the visor out of my helmet cast, but I'm waiting for some decent weather before I finish. After spending way too much time adding some details to the chest/back plate (are fatal errors usually this common with meshmixer??), I'm currently printing the first chest piece as well. Really hoping I've scaled it correctly because its looking quite large on my printer..

Anyway that's about where I'm up to currently. The plan is to complete the entire base costume within 3 months, and then I'll think about future additions such as the recon gear. I also intend to make a Halo 3 carbine and/or a rocket launcher to go with the suit, but weapons aren't my priority right now.
So if anyone has some feedback or questions, feel free to reply! I appreciate the discussion and I'll try to keep this thread updated as often as I can.
Thanks for reading