where were you when the towers fell?

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Junior year of high school, in my 3D art vocational class. Was working with a team on building a level for unreal tournament and one of our classmates came in and started screaming about how a plane crashed into the pentagon.

Then on the way home I couldn't get gas because every station was backed up 40+ cars.

Less than a year later I enlisted in the marines at 17, thanks parents! Good times.
I was in 4th grade, at lunch when I realized it was abnormally quiet. Lots of whispers and hushed converations. I heard a friend say, "I heard Russia was attacking us because they want alaska back". I laugh at this now, but when I heard it then I was terrified. We went out for recess and our guidance counselor called us all inside. All our teachers were scared and crying, and school let out early. My mom brought my brother and I home and made us watch the news. It was very humbling to know the fourth plane, flight 93 had crashed and burned in a field in Shanksville Pennsylvania. I lived in Berlin PA, which was very close to Shanksville. I've always been told if Flight 93 had crashed just 5 minutes earlier, it would have hit my hometown. Where were you?
asleep on the couch after working all night untill one of the guys at work called me screaming to turn on the tv. watched the second one get hit and fall live. one of the worst days i can remember.
i was sitting in 8th grade social studies. watched the second tower come down, everyone was afraid that they were going to destroy the niagara falls power plan
I was on my way to work when the first plane hit, and immediately told my supervisor "Osama Bin Laden". I was working outside at the time, and wasn't able to keep up with everything going on in real time. I raced home to watch it all on tv, it was so unreal.
I was attending a community college at the time and I was walking to my first aid class which was located in a seperate building than my other classes and while I came through the doors, I saw a large crowd of studends gathered under one of the tv's that were hanging up in the corner and I stopped to watch to see what ws going on and watched the 2nd plane hit the other tower.

When I got to class, there was mostly silence and people whispering amongst themselves and when the teacher showed up, he informed everyone of what was going on. Classes still continued on and then we went on with our normal studies, but that day was definitely different.
I was in second grade and at home (I’m homeschooled) busily working on a math assignment. My Dad had a trip to Washington D.C. that day (he was a pilot for Midwest Airlines up until last year when Republic absorbed them, and he was layed off. Just got a job back with Republic as a trainer.) Needless to say, when I heard what went on, it was pretty scary especially after the Pentagon strike. But he was forced to land in Columbus Ohio when the airspace was shut down. He got ahold of us as soon as possible.
I was still asleep when the first tower got hit since it was the week before I started college. My mom woke me up telling me there was an accident and I remember being super out of it because I had a dream just a few hours before of being in a place crash. One of those weird coincidences that tends to freak you out.
I was sleeping when my mother rushed and told me that a plane crashed into the Twin Towers. I said "big deal" and went back to sleep.
In the 4th grade reading books in the library in Shady Grove Elementary School when they turned on the TV's and showed us. Although I had no clue was was going on.
I remember being woken up by my mom telling me something terrible had happened. I was nine at the time and hadn't even heard of the twin towers until that day. Nevertheless, seeing the video images still held a power over me at the time. I remember My dad and his friend had just come home from a backpacking trip, and the friend had spent the night on our couch. His family was on vacation elsewhere and he refused to go home because he did not want to spend the day alone.
I was in gym class in grade 10. one of my class mates told me.

I didnt know it was true untill I got home and asked.
i woke up after the first tower was hit and i saw the 2nd one get hit and both of them fall, live. at the time i knew what was going on but it was more like a movie... or a dream. as i think back on it (i can still see it crystal clear) it gives me shivers down my spine. never forget 9/11/01.
I was in 8th grade. I remember the 7th grade teacher coming into our classroom and telling our teacher to come to her room to see the TV. She said there had been an accident with an airplane, so I figured some piper cub or something had accidentally flown into a building. It wasn't until we listened to the news that we heard it was a passenger jet, and then we saw the second tower hit. After that it was pretty surreal, with something hitting the pentagon and another plane crashing in a field. It seemed like it couldn't get worse; then the towers fell.

I think we all got sent home early.

I remember watching the clips on TV when my mom and stepdad came home. The most haunting footage was that of the rescue teams searching for people, trying to rescue the wounded. The thing I remember most was the sound of the siren things that firemen wear on them. I heard them all screeching in the background of the news footage and I asked my mom what that was all about, and she said it was for locating firemen, because if they stopped moving for too long the sirens would go off in an effort to locate the person. I think that fact was the thing that touched me the most as a kid, because it made it so much more real and horrifying.

When I went to bed that night, I remember thinking to myself, "Please let there not be a war from this..."
Me, and that day.

I see you guys making comments and saying " I was in 9th grade, 1st grade, 4th grade, 2nd grade" ....wth? lol

I was a grown man on September 11, 2001, when that happened. After reading through this thread...I'm second guessing being on here. I had no idea there were so many kids on this site? Eh well doesn't matter. I don't really want to share a comment on such a horrible day, but here I am doing it, so what the hell? Here goes.

I was at a funeral for my good friend that morning. He had gotten his face blown off in a piece of crap foreign country by some American hating scum bag, and now we had to bury him. This was obviously pre- 9-11 Iraq invasion days. Just to remind you, operations have been taking place in that part of the world for years, it's just that most of them didn't make the news. He was 30 yrs old, same age as me back then. My friend for over 20 years. He was an honest, hard working, straight dealing, soldier, that could play football like a pro, always got the hot girls, drank like a man, was a highly skilled operator and could lead a fire team blind, with one leg, one arm, one trigger finger and just happened to be one of the badest Muther F'er's I've ever known. He was my friend and I loved him like a brother.

There was almost 300 people there that day. He was respected and well loved by many. So many had shown up, and replied in advance that we had to rent a giant reception hall for everyone because they would never fit in his families house. We had just walked into the reception hall, for the after funeral lunch/get together, when someone yelled out "HEY! HEY GUYS...THEY'RE BOMBING THE WORLD TRADE CENTER AGAIN!"
A general gasp and sigh spread out amongst the crowd. Instantly, a few of us took off running to find a television. I stopped at the door way and noticed a projection monitor mounted to the ceiling, wires leading someplace and a huge rolled up screen above the stage/ podium area. There were a few remotes on a small stand near the wall and a couple of labeled light switches. I flipped a few, the screen lowered, and the monitor and cable box turned on. I quickly flipped through the channels trying to find some coverage. Someone who worked there saw what I was doing, ran over to a sound system, kicked on the audio, then went around shutting curtains.

Upon hearing the sound, everyone turned simultaneously and looked up at the screen. Mouths dropped, eyes widened, and hands reached out for someone to hold on to.

One of the towers had smoke pouring out of it. Women gasped in horror. People held each other. Some pointed at the screen in disbelief as they asked the person next to them "do you see that?" "Is this s$%^ real?" People were still showing up and walking in the front door. After a few minuets a couple hundred people had piled inside. I remember hearing different comments from all over the room as I watched the burning building on the giant screen. "Those bastards! They did it again!" "Those poor people in that plane!" "This is WAR! WE'RE GOING TO GO TO F'N WAR!"

Right then, just as 200+ people were in the hall and staring at the screen....*CRASH!!*! The second plane hit.

The only thing I can compare it to, visually and audibly, is when you are in a movie theater and 100 people all flinch at the same time. Some people gasped, some yelled, some cried out "OH GOD,,NO NO NOOO!!" Women screamed and men cursed. Some people reached out to the screen as if attemping to grab the plane and stop it from happening. People cried out in horror. We had all just buried a great man, someone we loved and would miss for our entire lives....and now we had to witness this. It went on until people couldn't take it anymore and left. There was no party. There would be no celebrating of our friends memory that day. We had shown up that morning with broken hearts and fractured souls, just to have someone else rip our hearts from our chests and beat down our spirit even more. I have shared intense moments with a group of people in the past, but that day, it was on such a massive scale.....that none of us would ever be the same.

God Bless America, and may death find all that seek to do us harm.

Your comment was deeply saddening. I feel for you.
But I feel slightly.... ticked off at your... disregard to my and other people's ages.
Yes, I am a teenager. Yes, I am young. But I am mature and do everything myself in my life.
And so what if there are kids here? We have the right to be part of a community. I am one of those kids who don't ask for everything to be handed to me. I go and find what I need. I know you said "Eh well doesn't matter" but still I choose to assert my part in this community as a smart teenager.
I'm sorry for writing this on such a sad thread, but I felt like I must stand up for us mature and doing-it-myself kind of teens.
Terrag, your work on that Carter helmet is masterful, even if it was your first pepakura project ever.
Oh and please limit the swearing, it's considered an infraction around here.
Your comment was deeply saddening. I feel for you.
But I feel slightly.... ticked off at your... disregard to my and other people's ages.
Yes, I am a teenager. Yes, I am young. But I am mature and do everything myself in my life.
And so what if there are kids here? We have the right to be part of a community. I am one of those kids who don't ask for everything to be handed to me. I go and find what I need. I know you said "Eh well doesn't matter" but still I choose to assert my part in this community as a smart teenager.
I'm sorry for writing this on such a sad thread, but I felt like I must stand up for us mature and doing-it-myself kind of teens.
Terrag, your work on that Carter helmet is masterful, even if it was your first pepakura project ever.
Oh and please limit the swearing, it's considered an infraction around here.

Sol gud buddy. When recounting such a dramatic event, leaving out any swearing seemed like a lie, so I edited the actual words in an attempt to avoid any "infractions". You're younger then I am. I'm older then you are. But the fact that you chose to focus, more so, on that specific aspect of my comment....kind of makes it's own point.
Good luck to you.
Thanks for the comment.
Ummm... He's made a perfectly valid and intelligent point. He's merely trying to warn you that swearing isn't cool if you don't want to face the wrath of the banhammer. And I fully agree with Cirkob. There are a lot of talented kids on this forum, some are better than some adults. Of course, there are immature kids around that have no manners, but I've encountered an even number of adults exhibiting the same qualities. So don't bash us kids. ;) As for your comment, that had to be horrible. I definitely feel for your loss.
Where was I that day??

I was at work. At that time I was a Fire Fighter in Northern Colorado. As the planes hit and the fires roared I watched my brother NYFD charge into buildings. As the buildings collapsed I knew many of my brother fire fighters never had a chance.....I was infuriated!! (there is too much emotion involved with this part so I will skip it...)

The following day, myself and 15 of my fellow firefighters from my station boarded a plane bound for NYC to see if we could help. Sadly...as we all know...there was not much other then search we could do.
I was in the 3rd grade getting ready for school. My dad was watching the news and the breaking news popped up saying one of the twin towers got hit. My neighbor had relatives in New York and they didn't even see the news and my dad told them immediately and the next thing they did was call their relatives. My mom was in Maryland and when she was in working and had break everyone in the break room were watching the TV. It was a very goosebump feeling and made me want to hurt the people that attacked our on soil. But I was a kid back then so what can I say? Then when we went to school we had a moment of silence from the announcement our principal made.
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