What movies would you like to see made?

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The Halo movie thread started me thinking about the massive number of potentially awesome movies that die in pre-production, or other stories that haven't been picked up by Hollywood at all. I imagine almost everyone here has a few pet favorites that they want to see make the silver screen, and I thought I'd make a thread to post them up. Let me start off.

I would love to see Lone Survivor get past the pre-production stage. The book is one of the best I've ever read, and would make a phenomenal movie. And I think Americans need to hear the story of Seal Team 10; the war in Afghanistan needs more high-profile heros. Apparently it's set to start filming next year, but as a Halo fan, I know how these things are. There's not even a cast set up yet.

I'd also love to see Rainbow Six get the movie treatment. It is another book on my short list of favorites, and the franchise already has a strong following. Although the original plot of the book is probably way too inflamitory to make the cinema cut, I'd love to see it remain intact. William Defoe could come back as John Clark.

I'd also love to see a Chris Nolan Batman film with Ricky Gervais as The Penguin.

That's all I've got now, but there are probably others I can think of. What does the rest of the 405th want to see?
A true and actually good Version of Gundasm for the Big screen, not the crappy G-saviour that came out in 2000. One made like X-men, Real Steel, and Avatar.

As for actors and actresses, A new age cast with some vets would do it Just like Harrison ford or Kurt Russel as Commander Bright Noa would do it some Justice.
A good "Avatar" would be nice. Have an actual, original story line (loose the preachyness) and good acting, and a better soundtrack, and then we'll talk.
A true and actually good Version of Gundasm for the Big screen, not the crappy G-saviour that came out in 2000. One made like X-men, Real Steel, and Avatar.

As for actors and actresses, A new age cast with some vets would do it Just like Harrison ford or Kurt Russel as Commander Bright Noa would do it some Justice.
But Bright was 17 in 0079, and 25 in 0087.

A good "Avatar" would be nice. Have an actual, original story line (loose the preachyness) and good acting, and a better soundtrack, and then we'll talk.
Needz less Shyamalan.

Anyway, I'd like to see a Macross film in live action. Half Life 2, maybe, also.
Half Life, Macross, Rainbow Six Vegas, Splinter Cell, any of the Lee Child - Jack Reacher novels and finally an actual version of Starship Troopers that is REALLY based on the novel.
Are you suggesting that the movie is inaccurate?

Well, I agree with Visogoth, any similarity between the movie and the book is purely coincidental. I would love to see "Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers".

Also, Larry Niven's "Ringworld". Of interest to Halo fans because this is the book that invented the concept of a ring shaped world.

Agree that "Ender's Game" would be a great movie. I'd also like to see "Hammer's Slammers".
I see a lot of video game movies in this thread. I once heard someone someone in Hollywood say that the filmmakers now are all the comic book generation, and that's why we're seeing all the comic book hero movies. The next generation of filmmakers is the video game generation, so in a few decades we could very well see a lot these games get the movie treatment. We can hope, anyway!
Gears of War, Halo, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect, Fallout New Vegas would be awesome! Metal Gear Solid 3 or Metal Gear Solid, Assassins Creed, Starcraft. This is my list xD
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